Achhe Din Ahead ???
The Rather Scary Side of the ADHAR
The Adhar ,most feel, is about privacy or data security.
If it were only this , probably we wouldn’t need to be so worried.
But there is a bigger danger -the danger of handing over your complete ‘Being’ in the hands of an ‘Unknown Entity’.
How ???
Let’s assume for a moment in what the western media has been propagating for some time now - a Civil War in next 10 years time in India ,has come true. And some anti-people group ,a pol party or worse the army manages a coup & takes the charge of the country.
What if they start picking on the ‘enemies’. You don’t need to be a criminal to be an enemy of the state . The Enemy could be anybody from rival politicians to businessmen to professionals to Govt servants to artists to innocent common man , in short anybody.
Since every individual’s biometrics are stored in the centralised database, there is no escaping from their clutches -
If being hounded ,you can’t mask your identity, make bank transactions, get a job, buy property, settle anywhere, get admission in educational institutions, travel etc without being tracked down in a matter of few seconds.
You can’t even hide behind an alias, they have your biometrics...
If you thought this is all .. you are mistaken’s scarier than this ..
It’s like when a movie villain wants to get to the hero but is unable to , all he has to do is to abduct a family member & our hero falls right into the villain’s hands ..
Your UIDAI has all your family info ..
under such circumstances, just switching off your cell phone won’t help. Remember it’s not just you , even your family will become vulnerable.
You can be denied your existence in a matter of few seconds. You aren’t dead, but you can be termed dead.
Even your family members & relations can be extended the same denial of existence , if they don’t comply or give you in.
Anything , just anything, as small as a Tweet or FB post might draw an ire from someone in the authority and you ll be done .
You don’t have access to your own trail or data, but someone else has unilateral access to you, anytime.
Right Against Exploitation & Right to Privacy would be chucked from the constitution..
Achhe Din Ahead ???
Isha Foundation works in tandem with the #ECOSOC Unit (Economic & Social Council) of United Nations. What is #ECOSOC & what is its agenda? CIA has been doing intensive research on the River linking projects of India and how it has the potential to destabilize entire South Asia.
Is it a co-incidence that a CIA officer was spotted riding on the bike behind Sir Jaggi Vasudev? What is CIA's or other globalists/MNCs interest in River linking projects in India?
Did you know the United Nations headquarters in New York City sits on 16 acres of land purchased with an $8 million donation made in 1946 by John D. Rockefeller Jr. one of the controlling families of the East India Companies.
Double standard of BJP,in case of adhaar sc go to hell .in case of rohingya sc is not allowing.
These Rohingyas were sent as part of V force sent in world war II to wage guerrilla warfare behind Japanese lines. They skirted clear of the Imperial Japanese army but launched attacks on Buddhist Pagodas , monasteries and villages. That is the root of the current tensions between the two communities.
Later they wanted merger with Pak and when Jinnah refused to accept this nuisance demanded a separate Muslim state in the arakans. given shelter in india , they held massive protests in Mumbai and damaged the Amar Jawan Memorial and misbehaved with women cops. they attacked Pilgrims in Bodh Gaya and joined Let gangs in J&K. Gun runners, drug smugglers and a bloody terrorist nuisance, they have some cheek demanding asylum.Attended a very illuminating seminar on refugees in ICHR.
"जल्लीकट्टू" परंपरा देशी गौवंश के उन्नत संरक्षण हेतु है. देशी गाय की प्राजतियों में ए-2 प्रोटीन होता है, जो कि माता के दूध के समान है. जल्लीकट्टू का वास्तविक उद्देश्य प्रत्येक गाँव में एक उन्नत प्रजाति के साँड का चुनाव करना है, ताकि गौवंश की उन्नत प्रजाति विकसित होती रहे. इसमें जिस सर्वश्रेष्ठ साँड का चुनाव होता है, उसे कोविल कालाई (मंदिर का साँड) कहते हैं एवं उसका पोषण मंदिर के संसाधनों से ही किया जाता है, एवं वह आवश्यकता पड़ने पर ग्रामवासियों को नि:शुल्क उपलब्ध रहता है.
जिस गाय के सबसे अधिक दूध होता है, उसी के बछ़ड़े को पवित्र नंदी मानकर कोविल कालाई के लिये तैयार किया जाता है. कोविल कालाई के चुनाव के पश्चात जो भी बछ्ड़े बचते हैं, उसे कृषक जुताई आदि अन्य कार्यों में ले लेते हैं. जल्लीकट्टू के प्रारंभ में सबसे पहले यही पवित्र कोविल कोलाई छोड़ा जाता है, जिसे कोई नहीं रोकता, और लोग उसे हाथ जोड़कर नमस्कार करते हैं. उसके पश्चात अन्य साँड छोड़े जाते हैं, जिनमें से अगला कोविल कालाई चुनने की परंपरा है. अत: यह परंपरा में एक उन्नत प्रजाति का एक पवित्र साँड चुनने के लिये हैं, जिसमें अत्याचार का कोई स्थान ही नहीं है.....
(भारत में हिंदुओं के प्रत्येक त्यौहार के पीछे सांस्कृतिक, वैज्ञानिक और स्थानीय फैक्टर होते हैं... NGOs के साथ मिलकर इन्हें बर्बाद करने का गंभीर षड्यंत्र चल रहा है... मैं तमिलनाडु के जागरूक हिंदुओं के साथ हूँ... त्यौहारों-परम्पराओं को नष्ट करने की इस चालबाजी के खिलाफ हमेशा उठ खड़े होना होगा...)
Sir, Why the NDA gov is always on in the interest of disinvestment in PSUs?They show nationalism but are also filling pockets of private sector.Now tell me the gov will sold stakes in it and now beml will have to be in open competition with tatas,ashoka leyland,mahindra.This private companies which pay their engineers 8000 to 10000 monthly will have a upper hand in competitive pricing with the beml engineers which are paid salary of 60,000 to 70,000 as central gov servants.That's a wrong step as beml is profit making company,rather gov should sell that dumb bsnl and air India and stop wasting tax payers money.
News by PTI- Centre clears 26% strategic sale in BEML
The Centre will sell 26 per cent stake in defence equipment manufacturer BEML, making it the first major PSU to be sold through strategic disinvestment, which may fetch the exchequer over ₹1,000 crore.
In a notification to the stock exchanges, BEML said that the Cabinet has given an ‘in-principal’ approval for strategic disinvestment of 26 per cent equity shares in BEML Ltd. out of government’s shareholding of 54.03 per cent.
At the current market pricing of ₹999.50 a share, 26 per cent stake of BEML could fetch the exchequer over ₹1,000 crore. After the strategic sale, government stake in the PSU would come down to 28.03 per cent.
“The said shareholding would be sold to the strategic buyer/s to be identified by the government of India by following due procedure,” BEML said.
The strategic sale approval is just the third in over 12 years.
In September, the Cabinet had cleared strategic sale of Bharat Pumps and Compressors Ltd., while in December it had approved sale of India’s first pharma company Bengal Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals Ltd as well as Hindustan Antibiotics Ltd.
These PSUs will be the first privatisation since sale of Jessop and Co in 2003-04 under the NDA government headed by Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee.
These are among the public sector units that NITI Aayog has identified for sale of government’s majority stake to private companies in order to bring in greater efficiency and professionalism in their functioning.
Established in May 1964, BEML operates on three major business verticals for associated equipment manufacturing — mining and construction, rail and metro and defence and aerospace. Its turnover has risen to more than ₹3,500 crore.
The PSU, under the administrative control of defence ministry, provides equipment support to Indian Army and other defence forces by manufacturing variants of Tatra vehicle for all terrain operation.
It also supports the aerospace operations by supplying ground support equipment such as Aircraft Towing Tractor, Multi Purpose Weapon Loader and Crash Fire Tender.
The government is targeting ₹56,500 crore in disinvestment proceeds this fiscal. Of this, ₹36,000 crore is to come from minority stake sale in PSUs and another ₹20,500 crore from strategic stake sale. — PTI
What is the use of following Taxes other than self-promotion by GOI? -Swacch Bharat Cess, Krishi Kalyan cess, service tax?
@Narendramodi @PMO
What is the use of following Taxes other than self-promotion by GOI? -Swacch Bharat Cess, Krishi Kalyan cess, service tax ?
सरकार की ताजी लूट का नमूना देखिये:-
हेल्थ इंश्योरेंश का बेसिक प्रीमियम - ₹ 6370.00
सर्विस टेक्स - ₹ 891.80
स्वच्छ भारत सेंस - ₹ 31.85
कृषि कल्याण सेंस - ₹ 31.85
आपसे या अन्य उपभोक्ता से लिया - ₹ 7325.50
अर्थात 955 रूपये 50 नए पैसे आप कोई भी उपभोक्ता देवेगा ही देवेगा।
125करोड़ लोगो में जो भी बीमा लेवेगा टेक्स देवेगा।
यह टेक्स देना तब एक सवाल तो बनता हैं की सरकार ने हम लोगो से स्वच्छ भारत के नाम पर अरबो वसूले एक भी सफाई कर्मी को नोकरी नहीं दी,बिना कर्मचारी भर्ती किये सफाई क्या सम्भव हैं, हाँ अपना थोबड़ा दिखाने को मोदी जी ने अरबो रूपये टीवी अखबार में विज्ञापन पर खर्च दिए।
दूसरा हमसे वसूला कृषि कल्याण सेंस लेकिन किसान की फसल तक नहीं खरीदी जाती और बर्बाद होती हैं, उस तक वह पैसा पहुँचता ही नहीं।किसान मजबूर होकर आत्महत्या तक करने पर विवश हैं।
तीसरा सरकार ने वसूला सर्विस टेक्स के रूप में खरबो रूपये लेकिन खाली पद भरे नहीं,जब कर्मचारी ही भर्ती नहीं होंगे पोस्ट खाली होंगी,सर्विस जनता को कैसे मिल पाएगी।
आपने देखा/सुना/पढ़ा होगा रेल दुघर्टनाए लगातार बढ़ रही हैं, क्योकिं सरकारी भर्ती न होने के कारण रेलवे में मेंटेनेंस जैसे अति महत्वपूर्ण विभाग में कर्मचारियों की भारी कमी हैं, जैसे तैसे ठेकेदारो के गैर जिम्मेवार लोगो से काम चलाने का प्रयास किया जा रहा हैं, अब मोदी जी को मज़े लेने के लिए पीएम बनना हैं 25 साल के लिए,और बेरोजगारो को जरूरी सेवा के लिए भी भर्ती नहीं करना।ऐसा कब तक चल सकता हैं।
This is not clear that which kind of RIGHT-TO-RECALL are you trying to propose and what will be it's procedure and how it will be executed in this corrupt nation.
So this is humble request that you please kindly upload the drafts of the RIGHT-TO-RECALL you will implement in India.
This is another request that you please kindly upload and let public see, all the three private bills you proposed in parliament of India.
Thank you.