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by EswenRaedself
on 21/7/16

Hey! We're with you "Man"!

@shadipetosky Dear Sir: Thank you for exposing airNB's pro-whatever sexuality, or not, policy! As a completely dick-sucking straight woman, you and I have more in common than most would imagine. The difference is, that I suck straight dick and you do not. That's a problem. Like Ebola, AIDs, and the fact that you will never possess either a clitorus or an orgasm.

It is truly a shame that a bright wig and a swash of mascara cannot grant you these wishes. But, as with every new day, sunshine still beams upon your inglorious self!

Serial killers do not prejudice, much like airNB! I believe sincerely that The Serial Killers International Association of Extreme Meanness toward inglorious lifeforms is very much in support of NOT prejudicing against you in any way.

Please notify all of your gay, lesbian, inbred (the cause of the afore-mentioned, most obviously), the hilariously transgenders such as yourself, bisexuals who want it all, AND the queer to catch whatever's left, that they will really NOT discriminate against you when participating in yet another annual TSKIAoEM "Camp" Fun Festival.