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on 8/7/16
in the rush 2 be first sometimes they do not fact check r ask questions the news goes with hear say, gossip, rumor and damn lies.

on cnn a caller chimes in about a black man he saw in the dallas march, and now news flash he is a cop suspect on the run. our dear news reporter nor the dallas cops did not speak of the open carry laws and it also applied to blacks or that they were often challenged 4 having a legal gun under permit.

did the reporters talk about the high number of blacks wrongly convicted and later found innocent after years in prison. ooo and those that were wrongly executed by the good people of texas.

thanks to the news and cops their suspect turned himself in. held for 30 minutes the cops did their best. in usa it'snot lying if a cop lies to you to get a guilty plea. they said they had a witness that can say he saw him fire his weapon. his gun was not loaded nor fired the night in question, they said he is shown in video firing, but he is shown in video marching.

the chief of police said the real suspect wanted to kill whites and cops and like a virus that's the news story that he wants the masses to hear. the only news source is from the police and there is no record from suspect. no evidence means you better believe what a cop says it is