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by belllaculllen
on 13/7/10
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*This new fic was inspired by celtic's post on Robsten Angels - she shared a blurb about Rob's misadventures on the set of WFE w/ a toothless lion.

A MINI-FIC by SCAN: Jealous Jella

Jella: Psssst.


Kristen: What?!

Jella: Shhh! Do you even know what 'pssst,' means? It means keep it down. I don't want someone to hear.

Kristen: (whispers) Okay, what?

Jella: Since I am the love of your life --

Kristen: (raises one eyebrow, cutting Jella off).

Jella: Since I am the love of your life, I thought I should be the one to break the bad news....

Kristen: (amused) Oh, really...and what would that be mellow jellow.

Jella: You have been betrayed. The mad cows on the internet aren't so far off the mark.

Jella: Brace yourself. I smell the oh-dear of another feline upon Flippy's person. (dramatically hugs Kristen to console her) My poor poor broken-heartedStew, that's it cry it out. Cry it out...then we'll pack his things and boot him out together.

Kristen: Jellz. I'm not crying.

Jella: I know, I know...shhhh, you're in shock...deep breaths Stewies, deep breaths.

Kristen: I'm okay, really.

Jella: Okay? OKAY?! Have you no pride woman!! The man has been cavorting with another feline behind my - um, I mean your, BACK! Pretty gamey by the stench of her. My guess is, a very large tabby with a big butt. Bigger than yours even.

Kristen: Gee, thanks J.

Jella: What is wrong with you?! When have you turned into his own personal doormat?! (Hisses) At least tell him to hose down outside before he comes in here!(Seethes as he watches Rob kill a beer in the kitchen, pounces on Rob's Long Beach cap and bites a hole in the top).

Kristen: Jella stop, calm down!! Flippy was working!

Jella: Pffft! That's what they all say! (whips the cap around the room, and lands on the puffy brown leather, claws first).

Kristen: Heh. Do your worst. I hate that jacket.

Jella: I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU!! You are NOT normal. He betrayed us, he's betrayed uuuuussss.....(falls to floor sobbing, rolling to and fro).

Rob: (comes in balancing a plate of Nachos and two beers, kisses Stew, curiously eyes an inconsolable Jell) Hey sweetie, what's up with Miss J?

Jella beats Rob to bed, curling up on Rob's side, and hissing.

Kristen: Jella smells the big cat on you, she thinks your cheating on us.

Rob: That's hilarious - you're such a drama queen dude. The cat's my co-star. We wrestled all day today. You are such a Fool-ine. (laughs at his own bad play on words).

Jella: Big cat? Like a big a s s tabby?

Rob: Uh, no.

Jella: Big cat, as in...

Rob & Kristen (simultaneously): A LION.

Rob: My new bestie, might I add (pointedly said to Jella).

Jella: ****. I didn't know you rolled like that Flip. (Looks at Rob w/ new eyes, moves from his spot, lands on floor)

Kristen: Wow babe, I think you've managed to impress Jellz. That takes some doing.

Rob: Single-mindedly rolls over to Kristen, starts snogging her face.

Jella: Wait! I wanna hear more lion stories!

Rob: Tomorrow.

Jella: Dude, come on.

Rob: Later (nom, nom, nom)

Jella: Arrrgh! No fair! (Sighs, pads towards door, muttering...) Maybe he can impress me tomorrow by wrestling an alligator while wearing a pair of meat shorts.

Rob & Kris: We heard that!
