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by belllaculllen
on 9/10/10
I like this button43 people like this
Tags: Kristen Stewart, Robert Pattinson, One Republic, Jay Leno.

<i>*Inspired by tweets K got the once over by the lead singer from One Republic. Bahaha</i>


The Green Tweety Monster.</b>

<b>Jella:</b> Dad?

<b>Jella:</b> DAD!!!?!!! OFF the computer now!!!

<b>Rob:</b> B-but these tweets, they're killing me! What is that fcker looking at my bb for??!! Arrrgghh!!

<b>Jella:</b> You're just gonna make yourself sick Flip, you can't control eyeballs. The covered from head to toe thing doesn't even work, and you picked that outfit out for her yourself!

<b>Rob:</b>(Sobs) I know.

<b>Jella:</b> I'm pouring you a drink, mom will be home soon. Hold it together Dad. Jeez.