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by belllaculllen
on 1/9/10
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Regarding the "Kristen" virgin comment: IT'S A FAKE

courtesy, Cardinal23 at Robsten Angels

The REAL Kristen never answered that question.
It wasn't asked in an interview or anything.

There is this thing called "form spring" where people can ask you questions and you answer them. There were some naive, and I'm guessing young, girls on twitter asking "Kristen Stewart" questions on formspring and "Kristen Stewart" was answering them. Assuring them that she was in fact Kristen, saying she didn't have a twitter, Facebook etc... only a formspring and she liked it because fans could ask her questions and she could answer them.

here is the link to 'fake Kristen' answering fan questions:

Obviously it is complete Bullsh*t, but some fans don't know that and were all excited thinking the real Kristen was answering their questions, and they retweeted all the formspring stuff.

THAT is where the "are you a virgin?" question came from, it was asked to "Kristen" on formspring and "Kristen" answered it.

Not only would Kris not have a formspring, but you can just TELL from the answers that it wasn't her. Also the way "Kristen" spelled all her words was not the American way. Example she spelled it "Favourite" instead of the American way, "favorite."

People are gullible and fall for things that they want to be true, so they run with it and repeat it.

The real Kristen was never actually answered that invasive question, and she never has answered it.