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by belllaculllen
on 6/1/11
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***On Kristen Getting Critiqued for The 'Almost' Hand-hold***

by Scan AKA BelllaCulllen

Let me state this, and then I'll shut up, lol:

This stuff really does need to stop, IMO. LOOK, they were there as 3 young actors who are part of a huge franchise nom'd for awards. PERIOD.

This was NOT Rob and Kris 'coming out,' party.

God forbid, and heaven help them, if they choose to come out at the cheesiest award show in the HISTORY of cheese.

Not to take away from Kristen, or Twi, or Johnny Depp's win, but the PCAs historically, have been somewhat of a joke.

They are not prestigious, they are far, FAR from is a popularity contest, on par with MTV, except I think it's less illustrious even than that, as MTV doesn't really take itself that seriously.

Obviously, in our 'new' celebrity culture, any red carpet nowadays becomes a hot ticket, so you get all the tabloid staples and people deemed popular who show up (see The Kardashian family)...but I recall a time, when no star 'of note,' even went to the proceedings. If that's changing, swell. But Kristen has been in the biz long enough, she knows exactly what these particular awards mean.

No way, is she (or Rob) giving that show the goods on their relationship. NO. WAY. No way, are they 'selling it,' at The People's Choice Awards.

For Kris, I'm sure she was focused on the 3 musketeers aspect of the franchise. Taylor technically didn't need to be there, and for all we know, Kris and Rob may have pleaded for PCA to make it a threesome, JUST so they COULD have a buffer.

Can you imagine if they had come alone to the PCAs, arriving together, leaving together, holding hands just the two of them?? There it would have been...and it would have happened not at the Oscars, not the BAFTAs, not the Golden Globes, not the SAGs, not at their own intimate dinner for 2, or ceremony...but the headlines would read: 'Robsten comes out at the People's Choice Awards!!!!!'

No way in HELL would they want that.

They probably BEGGED Tay to come, and Kris (and Rob) were going to make DAMN sure they were being ALL inclusive with Taylor, so he did not FEEL like the 3rd wheel with the HOT COUPLE.

That's why she was chummy with Taylor, because she is his chum, as is Rob, and they BOTH wanted him there WITH THEM.

I think Kris is a considerate affectionate great friend to Taylor, and is not the least bit self involved - she wants him to be a part of celebrating their franchise, and she includes him in her affections (AS A FRIEND) - I think it's beautiful...and it's indicative of why Rob loves her.

Any other famewhoring starlet, the likes of which, a LOT were at the PCAs, would have said 'FCK Tay, I want to lay claim to Rob on this cheesy TV show, and Tay doesn't even need to be here, soaking up OUR sun.'

Rob loves Kristen, PRECISELY because she is the farthest from THAT, that you can get.