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by belllaculllen
on 3/12/10
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Just read that James Franco wanted to parody Rpatz as Edward (I guess) for his Oscar gig (he's hosting this year, it was announced last week, with Anne Hathaway).


Dear James Franco,

Look dude, don't make me NOT like you.

You're an up and coming now respected young actor (30?), finally breaking out and getting what many young actors dream of, an Oscar nomination (rumored, for his performance in '127 hours').

Why is it necessary, to further stigmatize/typecast in stone, Robert Pattinson's vampire character (it's parodied on Fallon, and on the Simpsons, and all over the web, that's PLENTY).

Hey James Franco, why don't you let Pattinson, get his chance, like you got yours, to work and be other things besides the hugely successful popular vampire Edward Cullen. I'm sure you know, being an academic and all (registering for classes at Harvard? or Princeton was it? ..last I heard), about the history of film, and film actors. Bela Lugosi, and Christopher Lee, had a tough as hell time, breaking out of that box. Why make it harder on a young actor you really don't know. Especially when you're getting ready to possibly nab an Oscar yourself.

That's just a bit selfish.

It's going to be hard enough for Pattinson, since the character is so all encompassing and far reaching and yes, parodied up the wazoo.

If it were Johnny Depp's Captain Sparrow, that would be something else entirely - Depp is 46, has played varied and acclaimed roles for the last 20 years, and it was only in the last few that he's had this pop culture phenom. In other words, he was ESTABLISHED.

Let Robert have his chance to be established, like Depp, like YOU, Mr Franco.

Lest we think you want to bury Robert because you can't stand a good dose of healthy competition.

As handsome as you are, I'm sure you too, would look great in a grey peacoat, bronze hair and pale white dead skin.

The fact that you want to demonstrate that on a world stage, leads me to believe, you're not as eccentric, and non-egoiste, as you'd like people to believe.

Sorry James Franco, get your own world wide beloved phenomenonal character, based on your own merits and your own creation.

No fair absconding with Roberts.

Sorry, but I'm just a bit sick of the fcking PARODIES. In my opinion, when it gets to be TOO constant, start looking at people who may have ulterior motives, and MIGHT just be more than a bit resentful and want to denigrate or typecast the actor, or both.

Fallon's little latenight schtick, was fine...he was the only one out there doing it, kind of riffing on Rob's personality and Britishisms. He actually took Rob OUT of the vampire genre and EC character. Plus, he's late night. It was a small thing.

But everyone else? Including Daniel Radcliffe, and Franco, can F* off.