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by belllaculllen
on 4/6/10
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Courtesy Scan at Robsten Angels

Kristen 'Rape' Comment is a NON-Story & Double Standard

So, a 19-20 yr old kid is being raked over the coals for a rather astute analogy, when people use the word 'rape,' often and frequently, as an analogy for any kind of harsh deliberate destruction, intrusion, disrespect and brutal misuse of power (i.e., 'BP is raping our environment as we speak.')...why the double standard?

That means that for every time the analogy has been made, we have also heard this same judgemental outcry...??

Please. I don't think so.

I've been around for a little bit, and I consider myself well-read. I've often heard people use the word 'rape,' in various contexts (rape of the environment, rape of the economy by banking industry, etc)...but never have I seen the kind of scolding judgemental yammering leveled at someone (a kid really!) like this! A kid who gets assaulted on a daily basis by these papz thugs.

I once saw a youtube clip of someone yelling very crude disgusting things at this girl in front of her Dad at the airport. It was all he could do to not slam his fist in the thug's face.

What I don't understand about Hollywood, is why some people are excused for things they say and do, and others are excoriated. People seem to be lying in wait for Kristen specifically, out of envy, jealousy and bitterness - so she gets it extra hard in the media and by other's almost identical to what Angelina Jolie, Katherine Heigl get.

Check out what Jennifer Aniston, a 40-something said about 'rape' that got only a little bit of coverage - not NEAR the scolding & criticism that Kristen, who is barely out of her teens got. I mean really, on what planet does it make sense to excoriate the younger, more beleagured person?:

"Aniston Loved Being Raped by Cassell in Derailed. Her Words".

...Aniston also admitted she had a slight crush on co-star Vincent Cassel - despite the fact they shot a harrowing r a p e scene together for the film. The actress added to Britain's GQ magazine: "If you're going to be raped in a movie, it may as well be Vincent Cassel."

Now, tell me - isn't the above comment, which is of the 'lay back and enjoy it,' kind, way more inappropriate than what Stewart said. If you didn't know that this other ubiquitous celeb said something like this, then ask yourself why? Why does Stewart get a smackdown, and Aniston doesn't?

Face it, for young women like Kristen, that have the enviable good fortune to be an 'IT' girl, talented, smart, successful, at the top of the current HW food chain and last but not least, rumored to the girlfriend of another young movie star, Robert Pattinson - you just get the sense that factions are going to have it in for her -- that she may get torn apart by other women.

Women, afterall, drive the gossip/celeb/entertainment industry for the most part, dictating what gets written - and at times, depending on who the 'star,' is and their level of personal appeal to a certain tabloid/blog reading demo, it seems there's either a deep-seated need to harshly criticize...

...or offer sweet benevolence.

In other words, apparently it's fine saying 'controversial' things if you are considered not a threat, and people tend to pity you...

...but if you are envied, or deemed as having it 'too good' (whatever that means to whomever), and you say something that can be twisted, they'll use it to punish you - and you will not hear the end of it.

It's called bullsh*t.

It's a shame that what's being lost is universal condemnation of a group of grown ass men, paid thugs, who yell crude nasty things at young girls, attempt to shoot up their skirts, and taunt them mercilessly.

Kristen Stewart runs contrary to the belief that every actor desires that kind of treatment - she stood up and expressed a need for more civilized treatment, and this is how the media treats her?
