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by belllaculllen
on 28/6/10
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A MINI-FIC by Scan *(inspired by newly red-headed Stew)

Phone rings....

Kris: Hello

Rob: Yes, is Kristen Stewart there please?

Kris: (laughs) Uh, Flip, it's me.

Rob: Are you sure? Because my girlfriend Kris is a lovely sweet brunette, yet it appears some red-headed vamp has taken her over.

Kris: Vamp? Grrrr. I don't think you wannna go pi s s ing off the red head Flip, she might not be so nice when next she sees you?

Rob: (clears throat) Yeah well, she scares me.

Kris: Shut up.

Rob: Seriously, my knees are shaking.

Kris: You are making me jealous...of myself. Now stop.

Rob: Awww, babe don't worry about that, Brownstew will always rulz Redstew. Redstew is too spicy, will make me all clammy and sweaty. Brownstew goes down silky smooth and comforting.

Kris: Flippy, you're making Brownstew sound like a pair of warm fuzzy socks.

Rob: Excuse you! That's warm fuzzy SEXY socks.

Kris: Hmph. Great. Now, I'm gonna feel like you're cheating on me with Redstew when next we meet.

Rob: Kind of like how I felt you were cheating on me with crewcut stable boy Rob?!

Kris: Flippy, that's different!

Rob: How's that different?! (imitates Kristen's voice) 'Oh Rob I luuuv it!' 'It's hot!' How do you think floppy haired Rob felt to hear that??

Kris: Um...

Rob: That's right Missy. So you just let me have a little Redstew just like I give you your serving of stable boy.

Kris: Hee. (blushes)

Rob: Now for the love of God, hurry home babe!!

Kris: See you in 24 hours hon'!! ((mwah))