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by belllaculllen
on 19/7/10
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A MINI-FIC by Scan (Rob, TomStu & Jellz at the Drive-Thru)

Jella: Oh my God.

Jella: (yells) Oh my GOD!!!

Rob: (Startled, screeches brakes, practically whiplashes TomStu) What the f- what is it now?!

Jella: (rustles bag frantically, screams) Where's my vanilla shake??!!! Where is it?! Stop!! Wait!! Go back, GO BAAAAACK!

Rob: Calm down.

Jella: Calm down, CALM DOWN!! I don't ask for big a s s hamburgers and cheese, I don't ask for fries, I don't ask for fried apple pies. I'm A CAT. I just want one thing, ONE THING and this is how you treat me Flip???!!

Rob: Jella, it was an honest mistake. (winks at TomStu to play along) They must have forgotten. How about we go home and I MAKE you a yummy homemade vanilla shake? We've got ice cream.

TomStu: Oh, good one mate - brits are known for vanilla shakes.

Jella: What??!! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! You LIE! Brits are known for fish and chips!! What are you gonna do, put that in a blender and make it extra creamy?!!

TomStu: (laughs) Ha! Good one Jella! I agree w/ you - I was being sarcastic. Americans rule frozen dairy, I will admit.

Jella: **** skippy! Now TURN THIS CAR AROUND!! Ugh!! Get me outta this thing! I'm going back! (struggles against straps, pants, writhes in frustration in his baby car seat).

Rob: Hey little Mister, settle down back there. Kris will have my a s s if you're not strapped in properly.

Jella: She'll have your a s s when I call and tell her you FORGOT MY SHAAAAKE!!!!!! (furiously dials cell)

Rob: (To Tomstu) Grab that phone! (TomStu turns around, swipes it).

Rob: (eyes Tom, they share a shared internal 'Phew!') Jella, love, calm down. Shhhh. Shhhh, it's okay. (Does a U-turn) We're going back now. See.

*Jella frantically looking, eyes In and Out approaching on right, calms down, emits cheesy grin.

Jella: Heh. ...and make it an extra EXTRA large, Flippy.

Rob: (Sighs) Alright.

Jella: With a cherry on top. Mom always gets me a cherry on top. Hee.

Rob: Anything else?

TomStu: Whip cream Jellz?

Rob: (side eye) You're not helping mate.

Jella: Why thank you, my little reed thin Brit, whip cream would be nice indeed. Flippy, you have thoughtful friends. Oh, and GIVE ME BACK MY EFFING CELL!!

*Tom, sheepishly hands phone to Jella.

*Jella starts singing and bouncing as they roll up to the drive thru again.

In & Out order taker: Yes may I help you sir?

Rob: (to speaker) An extra large vanilla shake please.

Jella: What the- (throws paws up in disgust, dials Kristen's cell...)

Rob: Oh, wait - miss?! Miss??!! CHERRIES!! Cherries on top please, a couple if you wouldn't mind? Thanks.

Jella: (quickly ends call). That's what I'm talkin' bout Flippy. Da m n, you boys are not easy to train. Yippeeee, my shakes here, my shakes here!! Get me a straw, and extra napkins...(SLURPS LOUDLY)...mmmmm, me luv banillba.

*Chevy rolls out of drive-thru....

TomStu: Dude?

Rob: What?

TomStu: We need to go back mate, my burgers cold now.


*Tom and Jella give each other the air fistbump.