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by belllaculllen
on 15/8/10
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Rob: Argh! Jella get off me!

Jella: You're smothering Mom.

Rob: Goddami- I am not! Jella, scram! Now!

Jella: Nope. (push-pulls Rob's butt)

Rob: Aggggghhh! Quit it! Get off me.

Jella: Get off her.

Rob: You get off me.

Jella: I'll get off you if you get off her.

Rob:(Sighs) Okay, you first.

Jella: No. You first.

Rob: Arrrrggghhh! Kris get him off, how can I - I mean, how am I supposed to -- he's messing with my mojo!!

Kris: (laughing, from under Rob) Jellz, precious? Flippy wants to go sleepy - go lay down.

Jella: You can't fool me Mom. Flippy's not sleepy, he's wide awake, and his butts moving.

Kris: I'll give you a treat if you go lay down.

Jella: I had a treat.

Kris: When did you have a treat?

Jella: I had some tic tacs - but they weren't that minty. Weird.

Kris: What??!! (Alarmed now)

Jella: (Scared cuz Mom is scared) Um, y-yeah, they were in a little pink plastic-y thing.

Kris: Dear God. Flip, get off me!

Rob: Why are you taking HIS side??!!

Kris: Babe, I'm not -- I think Jella ate my pills.

Rob: (Falls on floor laughing) J-Jella ate birth control pills??!!

Jella: (Screams in fear) Mom!! What are birth control pills?

Kris: They're so you don't have babies.

Jella: (Hollers, screams, terrified) Oh noooooooo, I can't have babies!! I always wanted baby cats....ooooh nooooooz. (Sobs, is inconsolable)

Rob: (Sighs) Jella, you are a male cat. You can't have babies anyway.

Jella: (Stops rolling to and fro in abject misery) Oh. Really? Phew. Hee. Okay. (Cheesey smile)

Kris: Well, um, hon...hee - looks like you won't be, uh, smothering me til we get this refilled.

Rob: Arrrrrrrgggghhh! NOOOOO!!! (Throws death glare at Jella, eyes hotel window...wonders if Jella would land on his feet from 14 stories).

Jella: (eyes bug) Geez Flip. What'd I do? Mommy, Flippy's being mean.

Kris: That's enough out of you little Mister. Go lay down. Quit yanking Flippy's chain.

Rob: Thanks to him I'll be yanking my own chai--

Kris: (admonishing) Rob!!

Rob: (Lays back down, grabs Kris in a bear hug, groans in frustrationand whispers...) If there is a God, the hormones will make Jellz sprout cat boobies by morning.

(Pause, beat. Robsten erupts in peals of laughter)

Jella: What's so funny?

Robsten in sing-songy unison: Nothinnnng.