1. Individualism.
2. Self-reliance.
3. Independence and autonomy are values.
4. The individual is responsible for his own destiny.
5. The ideal social unit is the nuclear family according to the formula: father, mother, two, three children.
6. The husband is the breadwinner, the head of the family.
7. The wife is a housewife.
8. Children should have their own rooms and be independent.
9. The presence of objective, rational thinking.
10. Ability to find out causal relationships.
11. Emphasis on the scientific method.
12. The primacy of Western European (Greek, Roman) culture and Judeo-Christian tradition.
13. Protestant work ethic is the key to success.
14. If something didn’t work out, then you didn’t work hard enough to make it work.
15. Christianity is the norm.
16. Time is valuable.
17. Man is manifested in his work.
18. Ability to manage time, plan the future.
19. Ability to postpone the satisfaction of momentary desires for the sake of realizing long-term goals.
20. Competition.
21. Politeness.
22. Restraint.
According to the authors of this course:
- If you possess all these qualities, or at least the majority and at the same time are WHITE, then you are a “hidden racist” and a person who does not realize and does not understand what people of other skin colors feel.
- If you have all these qualities, or at least the majority, but at the same time you are NOT WHITE, then you should realize this and think about the fact that you have been subjected to the corrupting influence of the white dominant culture, and now you have to do something about it.
It should be noted that these are not abstract wishes of little-known authors - the museum has already trained more than 2 thousand teachers for schools in 15 states. And will prepare even more.
Courses on getting rid of cultural whiteness are not limited to schools. The City of Seattle has recently conducted this kind of racially segregated training for its white employees to "get rid of their whiteness."
The tireless New York Times insists that such a valuable experience of "getting rid of the whiteness" be used nationally:
Mr. Biden could name someone like Lonnie Bunch, Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution and Founding Director of the National African American Museum of History and Culture, to lead such a task force. Representative Bass will be an excellent co-chair, as will Representative Deb Haaland from New Mexico. If Mr. Bunch considers the role of the conflict at this stage, given his position, perhaps former President Barack Obama could take over the original role of chairman. He has a demonstrated sense of history and will give it a special prestige.
In accordance with the definition of racism in politics (as political actions to create, consolidate, expand legal inequality of citizens on racial basis) and in the sphere of ideology (publications and speeches calling for, defending, justifying the policy of legal inequality on racial basis), it should be recognized that systemic racism is indeed gaining momentum in the United States.
Systemic black racism. And systemic anti-white racism.
the proportion of black musicians in orchestras playing classical music. As it turned out, the percentage of Hispanics among musicians increased from 1.8% in 2002 to 2.5% in 2014; while over the same 12-year period, the proportion of black musicians dropped to 1.8 percent. The League issued a call to action statement: “There is an urgent need for white people and predominantly white organizations to do the work to eradicate this racism. We recognize that for decades, as a national association and voice for orchestras, we have endured and perpetuated systemic discrimination against black people that has been reflected in orchestral practices throughout our country. ”
The director of an art museum in San Francisco, who questioned the need to stop buying paintings by white artists, was fired.
The Washington Post asks about the appropriateness of the "white" of Jesus Christ:
As protesters across the US are tearing down statues of Confederate heroes and demanding that the country's long-standing racist legacy be addressed, some in the church are asking if it's time to undo what is called the White Jesus.
Against the backdrop of the history of the United States, during which European Christians colonized indigenous lands and enslaved African peoples during the Great Geographical Discovery, the general idea of a white Jesus became problematic. "It's just impossible to ignore the very Nordic Jesus." This week, activist Sean King called to follow the monuments to Confederate leaders to overthrow statues depicting Jesus as a European, calling his depiction "a form of white supremacy."
Science fiction author Nnedi Okofor echoed this view. “Yes, 'blond blue eyed Jesus' is a form of white supremacy,” she tweeted.
Anthea Butler, associate professor of religious studies and African studies at the University of Pennsylvania, also warns of the devastating effects of white Jesus images.
"Every time you see a white Jesus, you see white supremacy," she said recently in the Religion News Service video series Becoming Less Racist: Lighting the Path to Anti-racism. According to scholar Butler, Jesus is not like black Christians. On the contrary, she said, Jesus looks exactly like "people who beat you in the streets or set dogs on you." That kind of Jesus sends a clear message, Butler said, "If Jesus is white, then God is white, so power is white."
The writers of the letter remind the racial proportions, which, in their opinion, need to be corrected:
In 2001-02. of the 675 lifetime professors at the university, there were 18 blacks, 18 Hispanics and 0 American Indian, so 5% are colored teachers. Twenty years later, in 2019-2020, among the 814 professors, there were 30 blacks, 31 Hispanics and 0 from the indigenous population. Now it is 7%. The numbers are even worse in the STEM sector (science, technology, engineering and mathematics - science, technology, engineering, mathematics). This is not progress by any standard; according to the US Census Bureau, blacks and Hispanics make up 32% of the total US population.
The American Physical Society (which has 55,000 members) has closed its office as a sign of its commitment to ending "systemic racism." Nature magazine published an article "How to Create an Anti-racist Laboratory." The University of Michigan forced its vice president, physicist Stephen Hsu, to resign, whose crime was to study the connections between human genetics and cognitive abilities. Linguistic students signed a petition demanding the expulsion of psychologist Stephen Pinker from the American Linguistic Society for criticizing an article in the New York Times in one of his tweets.
Forbes magazine is concerned about a decrease in the number of African Americans pursuing a bachelor's degree in physics.
In physics, the percentage of black Americans pursuing a bachelor's degree has plummeted over the same period, even as the percentage of Hispanics nearly quadrupled. Today, across all STEM fields, black American representation is lowest in physics and astronomy: ~ 3% in physics (up from over 5% in 1999) and ~ 2% in astronomy. As part of a first-of-its-kind study, the American Institute of Physics developed a national task force to raise the level of representation of black Americans in physics and astronomy.
В открытом письме от 4 июля более 350 преподавателей Принстонского университета призвали президента университета Кристофера Л. Эйсгрубера и других высокопоставленных администраторов принять 48 антирасистских мер, среди которых есть такие:
Продвинуть на руководящие посты активных aнти-pacиcтoв, которые обеспечат инклюзивность посредством усиленного приёма на работу преподавателей и зачисления студентов по этничecким признакам.
Бороться с бeлым cупpeмaтизмoм и последствиями paбcтвa. Сломать сложившуюся иерархию, поддерживающую пpиopитет бeлыx.
Сформировать комитет из цвeтныxпрофессоров и студентов, перед которым университетское руководство должно отчитываться в своих действиях по ликвидации pacизмa.
Организовать курсы для тренировки персонала в aнти-pacизмe. Эти курсы должны провести участников через стадии «уязвимocти», «продуктивного дискомфорта», «размышления». Программа пepeвоспитания должна быть индивидуализована.
Вознаграждать цвeтныxпреподавателей снижением нагрузки и летней зарплатой за «невидимую работу» (участие в заседаниях, представительство на мероприятиях и т.д.).
Безоговорочно зачислять в студенты лиц без документов.
Пересмотреть систему стандартных академических тестов, несправедливую к «людям цвeтa».
При зачислении студентов не спрашивать их о судимостях и штрафах, потому что «люди цвeтa» отягощены судимостями по вине полиции.
Предоставить льготы факультетам и кафедрам с хорошим послужным списком поддержки «преподавателей цвeтa» (кафедры Пoлaи Ceкcуaльнocти, Американских и Aфpoaмepикaнcких изысканий, и т.д.).
Наказывать факультеты и кафедры, не показывающие положительных изменений в приёме на работу «людей цвeтa».
Сделать обязательной тренировку в нeпpeдвзятocти (аnti–biаstrаining) для всех участников комиссий по выбору лучших кандидатов на замещение вакантных должностей. Требовать, чтобы комиссии официально указывали, каким образом «кандидаты цвeтa» будут ими идeнтифициpoвaтьcя.
Создать комитет из преподавателей, который будет наблюдать за расследованиями и административными наказаниями pacиcтcкoгoповедения, инцидентов, научных исследований и публикаций сотрудников университета.
V otkrytom pis'me ot 4 iyulya boleye 350 prepodavateley Prinstonskogo universiteta prizvali prezidenta universiteta Kristofera L. Eysgrubera i drugikh vysokopostavlennykh administratorov prinyat' 48 antirasistskikh mer, sredi kotorykh yest' takiye:
Prodvinut' na rukovodyashchiye posty aktivnykh anti-pacictov, kotoryye obespechat inklyuzivnost' posredstvom usilennogo priyoma na rabotu prepodavateley i zachisleniya studentov po etnicheckim priznakam.
Borot'sya s belym cuppematizmom i posledstviyami pabctva. Slomat' slozhivshuyusya iyerarkhiyu, podderzhivayushchuyu ppiopitet belyx.
Sformirovat' komitet iz tsvetnyxprofessorov i studentov, pered kotorym universitetskoye rukovodstvo dolzhno otchityvat'sya v svoikh deystviyakh po likvidatsii pacizma.
Organizovat' kursy dlya trenirovki personala v anti-pacizme. Eti kursy dolzhny provesti uchastnikov cherez stadii «uyazvimocti», «produktivnogo diskomforta», «razmyshleniya». Programma pepevospitaniya dolzhna byt' individualizovana.
Voznagrazhdat' tsvetnyxprepodavateley snizheniyem nagruzki i letney zarplatoy za «nevidimuyu rabotu» (uchastiye v zasedaniyakh, predstavitel'stvo na meropriyatiyakh i t.d.).
Bezogovorochno zachislyat' v studenty lits bez dokumentov.
Peresmotret' sistemu standartnykh akademicheskikh testov, nespravedlivuyu k «lyudyam tsveta».
Pri zachislenii studentov ne sprashivat' ikh o sudimostyakh i shtrafakh, potomu chto «lyudi tsveta» otyagoshcheny sudimostyami po vine politsii.
Predostavit' l'goty fakul'tetam i kafedram s khoroshim posluzhnym spiskom podderzhki «prepodavateley tsveta» (kafedry Polai Cekcual'nocti, Amerikanskikh i Afpoamepikanckikh izyskaniy, i... <<<<<< N.B from Jumbotweet: auto-truncated at 4K characters on index page - Click here or on the "view" link to see entire jumbotweet! http://www.jumbotweet.com/ltweets/view/181972
Pass a bill to provide $ 165 billion a year to abolish tuition and undergraduate fees at all public universities and colleges, helping states cover all associated student living costs.
Allocate funds for continuing education and technical education programs and provide full open access to K12, tertiary, technical education (including technology, trade and agriculture), education support programs and lifelong learning programs for every prisoner in local, state and federal correctional institution (for minors and adults).
Expand employment opportunities for students, undocumented students and student prisoners.
Stop the privatization of education.
A detailed citation of the M4BL program seems especially necessary because almost all of its basic requirements and proposals were included in the 110-page BFB program (Biden - Ocasio - Sanders), and some of these requirements were included in the BFB program with minimal revision, and some of them even no edition.
It seems that the only exception to this rule is trying to correct the New York Times, urging Biden to include the idea of payment of reparations for slavery in his election program:
Biden's presidential campaign can build on ideas ... In recent weeks, under the leadership of representatives Karen Bass, Sheila Jackson Lee and Barbara Lee, among others, the meeting has proposed the creation of a commission on reparations for slavery and segregation.
Not surprisingly, in light of Democratic candidate Biden's full embrace of the M4BL / BLM program, veteran black terrorism, former Communist Party Central Committee member and former Communist Party vice-presidential candidate Angela Davis backed Biden's candidacy in the November 2020 election. But, as Davis explained, she supports Biden not because she likes him as a candidate, but because it is Biden who can be “most effectively pressured” to promote the program of systemic racism.
It seems that someone filmed a video with the communist Angela Davis supporting @JoeBiden on the RT Putin propaganda channel. I am reposting the video for those who missed it.
Marxist academic and former Black Panther Angela Davis appeared in Russia Today to explain why she will support Joe Biden as president in 2020. “I don't see a candidate in this election who can lead us in the right direction,” she said. "It will be about choosing a candidate who can be most effectively pressured to give more room for the emerging anti-racist movement."
However, the "most effective pressure" of systemic racism on various segments of American society is already being exerted now - without waiting for the November presidential elections. Here are just a few examples.
We demand investment in education, health and safety of Black people instead of investment in criminalization, imprisonment and harm to Black people. We want investment in Black communities to be driven by Black communities and free from exploitative forces, including prisons, fossil fuels, police, surveillance and exploitative corporations. This includes:
4. State and federal constitutional right to fully funded education, which includes clear articulation of the right to free education for all, special protections for unusual and transgender students, coverage of services, social workers, free health care services (including autonomy of reproductive body), a curriculum that recognizes and addresses the material and cultural needs of students, physical activity and recreation, high-quality food, free childcare, and freedom from unwarranted search, confiscation or arrest.
5. Moving away from industrial multinational use of fossil fuels and investing in community-based sustainable energy solutions
Ensure access to housing and utilities for all:
• Introduce a moratorium on mortgage payments and taxes.
• Freeze all rental and utility services.
• Provide vulnerable homeless people, victims of violence and newly released individuals with safe and sanitary housing at the community level. If emergency housing "in isolation and quarantine" is possible, then permanent decent housing for all should be possible.
• Create a housing commission to provide housing for those in need.
• Make any deposits contingent on ensuring that unfilled hotels and private housing units are made available to those in need of housing. Buildings with unoccupied apartments, vacant hotel rooms and unused Airbnb apartments should be vacated to accommodate sick and at-risk groups who do not have access to other private housing.
• Declare a moratorium on the shutdown of utilities and establish a grace period for payments.
• Provide free, safe and affordable family planning, reproductive health and abortion.
We demand economic justice for all and economic recovery so that Blacks have collective property, not just access to it. This includes:
1. Progressive restructuring of tax codes at the local, state and federal levels to ensure radical and sustainable redistribution of wealth.
2. Federal and state employment programs that specifically target the most economically marginalized Blacks and compensation for those involved in the care economy. Employment programs should provide a living wage and encourage support for local work centers, trade unions and Black-owned businesses that are accountable to the community.
5. Reinstate the Glass-Steagall Act to disrupt the big banks, and urge the National Credit Union Administration and the US Treasury to change regulatory, reporting and consolidation policies and practices to ensure the continuation and creation of new Black Banks, Small and Community Credit Unions, Insurance companies and other financial institutions.
7. Through tax incentives, loans and other government-funded resources, support the development of cooperative or social economy networks to facilitate trade among Black communities and around the world. All aid in the form of grants, loans or contracts to facilitate this should go to Black-backed networks and organizations.
8. Financial support for alternative Black institutions, including policies that subsidize and offer loans with low interest, interest-free, or guaranteed low-interest federal guarantees to promote the development of cooperatives (food, residential, etc.), land trusts and health infrastructures culturally sensitive that serve the collective needs of our communities.
9. Protecting workers in unregulated industries, including domestic workers, farm workers and tipped workers, as well as Black women and prisoners exploited
Introduce universal basic income (UBI) to specifically support and protect workers in the informal economy and those involved in reproductive work, the care economy and other often unrecognized forms of work:
• Immediately introduce UBI for everyone living in the US, including people with disabilities, undocumented people, and prisoners. UBD to extend to the economics of care and therefore to reproductive labor such as family planning, childbearing and parenting, housework and care work as work.
Ensure access to basic needs, including food, for all:
• Remove work requirements for food stamps, Medicaid, and other government assistance.
• Expand all existing service and support programs for low-income people.
• Support and / or stimulate social safety nets and the economic security of those most in need - from food stamps to housing / housing rentals, unemployment insurance and paid leave, among others - should be publicly available, regardless of immigration status, without imposing immigration fines.
• Cancel student debt.
• Make any financial assistance contingent upon canceling all payments and interest on all credit cards, mortgages, and debts to all financial institutions. This applies to eligible subsidiaries and lenders such as payday loans, mortgage lenders, etc.
• Raise the minimum wage for all frontline workers (that is, those who have the right to work and people who have frequent interactions with people) to at least $ 30 an hour.
• Introduce an exclusive wealth tax to pay for social services and federal investment packages.
• Adopt a Green New Deal promoting comprehensive structural reform towards national resilience to climate change; provide public control over key industries, utilities and natural resources.
• Transfer a US $ 2 trillion federal investment package to working people, small businesses, government and local services.
• Remove the burden of ordinary people to pay interest and payments to financial institutions
1. Compensation for systemic denial of access to high quality educational opportunities in the form of full and free access for all Blacks (including currently undocumented persons and former prisoners) to lifelong education, including: free access and open admissions to public community colleges. and universities, technical education (technology, trade and agriculture), educational support programs, retroactive student loan forgiveness and support for lifelong learning programs.
2. Compensation for the continued alienation, discrimination and exploitation of our communities in the form of a guaranteed minimum acceptable income for all Blacks with clearly defined corporate rules.
3. Reparations for damage sustained by our communities through environmental racism, slavery, food apartheid, housing discrimination and racial capitalism in the form of corporate and government reparations aimed at healing current physical and mental trauma and ensuring our access to and control of food sources. housing and land.
4. Reparations for the cultural and educational exploitation, erasure and extraction of our communities in the form of approved public school curricula that critique the political, economic and social impact of colonialism and slavery, as well as funding to support, build, preserve, and restore cultural values and sacred sites to ensure recognition and respect for our collective struggles and victories.
5. Legislation at the federal and state levels that require the United States to recognize the long-term effects of slavery, develop and implement a plan to address those consequences. This includes the immediate creation of a "Commission to Investigate Proposals for Reparations for African Americans" or subsequent versions calling for reparative remedies.
The Second Civil War in the United States, which Nancy Pelosi gave a formal go-ahead on February 4, is expanding. The pogroms and murders that swept across the country a month and a half ago, which absolutely did not want to see alone; which, trying to pass them off as "peaceful protests," were dismissed by others; which to others seemed only an accident, inevitably occurring from time to time; now they are perceived more and more only as the initial flashes of an impending national (and not only) political, legal, economic, social, cultural earthquake.
From uncoordinated - only at a superficial glance - actions of gangs of pogromists and murderers in different cities of the country, the civil war, or as the instigators often call it, the revolution passed to its next stages - the promulgation and widespread dissemination of program documents, as well as to their partial implementation. The publication of targets, principles, values of the red-black revolution unfolding before our eyes allows us to get acquainted directly with the image of the future desired by the revolutionaries.
Some quotes from the Movement for Black Lives (M4BL) program, the umbrella organization of which the infamous BLM is a member, seem useful in introducing Russian-speaking readers to the phenomenon.
Who are we
We are anti-capitalists. We believe and understand that black people will never achieve liberation under the current global racial capitalist system.
We believe in transformation and radical restructuring of power. The current systems in which we live must be radically transformed, which includes the restructuring of global power. Instead of a reactionary one, we create a proactive vision based on movement.
We are abolitionists. We believe that prisons, police and all other institutions that inflict violence on Blacks should be abolished and replaced by institutions that value and validate Black prosperity.
We plan to bring the experience and leadership of the most marginalized Black people to the center.
Vision of Black political will and power
Black life and dignity demand political will and power from Blacks. Despite constant exploitation and constant oppression, Black people have bravely and brilliantly been the driving force in pursuit of collective emancipation. We cannot wait any longer.
Free the prisoners
Ensure the safety of people recently released from prison:
• Cancel all parole, parole, and provisional attendances.
• Provide resources for ICE virtual / telephone registration (at Immigration and Customs) / or automatically postpone ICE registration with proper notice.
• suspend ALL immigration enforcement and operations. The Interior Ministry must suspend deportations, immigration arrests, mass raids, detentions and law enforcement in sensitive areas.
• All detainees must be granted immediate humanitarian parole, and all immigration court questions must be postponed.
• USCIS must process all pending applications to ensure continued immigration status.
Cancel the use of past criminal history
Due to systemic Anti-Black racism and deep racial differences at every stage of the criminal justice system, Blacks make up 13% of the total population, but 42% of prisoners [In 2018, black criminals committed 53.3% of all murders in the United States. - A.I.] ... Even though they make up only 13% of the total population, blacks make up 21% of people who have been arrested only once, and 28% of people have been arrested multiple times in 2017.
• Eliminate restrictions and exclusions on access to housing, education, employment, social programs and benefits, electoral rights, parental rights and other civil rights based on previous criminal sentences.
• Remove federal, state, and... <<<<<< N.B from Jumbotweet: auto-truncated at 4K characters on index page - Click here or on the "view" link to see entire jumbotweet! http://www.jumbotweet.com/ltweets/view/181965