We want you to meet your public! OK so in reality it may not be practical to actually meet every client or customer face to face however here at MYP we are continually amazed how little time is spent by businesses actually taking the time to lend an ear. Not only is this the best way to gauge true opinion of your service but it demonstrates that you actually do care less about how your brand is perceived by your loyal (or maybe not so loyal) public.
Our team of UK based diplomats contact every one of your customers who indicate that they are anything but 100% happy with your service. This contact happens quickly enabling us to gather an accurate picture of the client’s experience. We listen & pass the feedback to you to assess & respond to should this be necessary. From experience the majority of customers are happier following our contact than they were prior to it. Where we follow up brand/service neutrality or negativity with an additional response or incentive it is often the case that the client’s sentiment is replaced with a more positive brand experience. www.meetyourpublic.com