Official Statement from Ruth Rachel Anderson-Avraham
Official Statement from Ruth Rachel Anderson-Avraham,
A Woman in Film,
Creator and Owner of Bold World / ReelNATION,
Founder of ISRAELrealNATION
"Avec tout respect pour son droit de s'exprimer, d'avoir ses propres idées, je ne suis pas d'accord avec Catherine Deneuve (et al.).
#MeToo, ce n'est pas une question de la haine pour les hommes, mais une question de l'amour pour soi en tant que femme qui demande que les hommes me traitent avec de respect.
Un vrai homme, c'est un homme qui aime les femmes en vérité, qui n'impose pas aux femmes les traitements ignorant leur dignité en tant que femme, en tant qu'être humain."
"With all due respect for her right to express herself, to have her own ideas, I don't agree with Catherine Deneuve (et al.).
#MeToo is not a question of hatred of men, but rather a question of self love as a woman who demands that men treat me with respect.
A real man is a man who truly loves women, who does not impose upon women treatment ignoring their dignity as women, as human beings."
Ruth Rachel Anderson-Avraham
Bold World / ReelNATION
We encourage all women, as well as all persons working, generally, in the media and entertainment industry to support the Women in Film Sexual Harassment Help Line (323.545.0333, 10am - 5pm PST, M - F) :
"Since early October, the world’s attention has been focused on the unfolding story of countless allegations of sexual harassment perpetrated by many powerful men in the entertainment industry. In response, Women In Film has launched a Sexual Harassment Help Line — an integrated program to refer victims of harassment to designated mental health counselors, law enforcement professionals, and civil and criminal lawyers and litigators.
Anyone, regardless of gender, can access the Sexual Harassment Help Line at 323.545.0333. Beginning Friday, December 1, the help line is open M - F from 10am - 5pm PST. After hours calls will be returned during business hours."
Official Statement from Ruth Rachel Anderson-Avraham
Official Statement from Ruth Rachel Anderson-Avraham,
A Woman in Film,
Creator and Owner of Bold World / Reel Nation,
Founder of ISRAELrealNATION
"As with SodaStream, BDS harms BOTH Palestinians and Israelis, as well as people across the larger Middle East, who sincerely seek dialogue and cultural and economic exchange with a view towards resolution of the Conflict and peacebuilding, once again.
We are heartbroken.
Ziad Doueiri is a filmmaker who has worked very hard in order to ensure that Palestinian, Israeli, and Lebanese voices are ALL heard as he seeks to bring people together through his artwork in order to uplift."
Ruth Rachel Anderson-Avraham
Bold World / ReelNATION
Official Statement from Ruth Rachel Anderson-Avraham
Official Statement from Ruth Rachel Anderson-Avraham,
A Woman in Film,
Creator and Owner of Bold World / Reel Nation,
Founder of ISRAELrealNATION
"As a Musta'arabi/Misrahi/Sepharadi Jewish woman of color, I am deeply disturbed by Harvey Weinstein's singling out of and targeted attempt to publicly delegitimize Lupita Nyong'o's (alleged) sexual harassment claim, one among scores of others.
As with any of the other women who have come forward, Lupita Nyong'o also has a right to decide whether or not she would like to pursue her case legally, or seek out a settlement.
As with any of the other women who have come forward, women of color have a voice, and the right to be heard and fully respected."
Ruth Rachel Anderson-Avraham
Bold World / ReelNATION
Official Statement from Ruth Rachel Anderson-Avraham
Official Statement from Ruth Rachel Anderson-Avraham,
A Woman in Film,
Creator and Owner of Bold World / Reel Nation,
Founder of ISRAELrealNATION
"Harvey Weinstein has proven himself to be an extremely talented filmmaker, a brilliant businessman, and yet hostile, oppressive and abusive in his relationships with women in the workplace (and perhaps outside of the workplace, as well, sadly...?).
Bravo to the women who have had the courage to stand and defend themselves against his unwanted advances/aggressions over the years (which all parties concerned have the right to be tried before a Court, or settled between them).
That being said, I take offense to those who seek to connect Weinstein's behaviour to his Jewishness, or to his 'looks', and find such comments to be discriminatory and/or anti-semitic. Such behaviour among men is about desire for power and control, and is not more prevalent within any culture, tradition, religion, (social construct of) 'race' or ethnicity, education or income level than any other. Harvey Weinstein is certainly NOT the only man in Hollywood, or within the film-industry-at-large, who exhibits such far.
May the women whom Harvey Weinstein has harmed by his behaviour receive justice and have full and speedy recoveries from that which they have suffered; may Harvey Weinstein get the help he needs...Im Yirtseh Hashem, Insha'allah."
Ruth Rachel Anderson-Avraham
Bold World / ReelNATION