for those who weren't at new jersey, this was my project for @RobBenedict/@LoudenSwain1 (with thanks to Jennifer and Elisha for doing a lot of the leg-work and handing out the bags and making sure everyone could participate) you all know how much i love rob and his band and some of you know how loved them make me feel. so i wanted to do something to say thank you.
i've always thought it's really brave of rob to sing the song "she waits" at the concerts because it's about his mom. it's a song about his mom waiting for his dad who never came back. i feel like for him to open this up to us and trust us that we are all one big supernatural family. and families show love to eachother.
as people filed in to the auditorium, they were given a bag with a glow stick, a card that had the lyrics to the chorus on one side and instructions on the other, and candy. we all broke out glow sticks at the begining of "she waits", and then when the song was over, we all sang the chorus back to rob.
several months ago, when i posted "hey, does anyone want to do something for rob at the concert?" i thought maybe 20 or 30 people would want to. we not only assembled EIGHT HUNDRED bags for everyone, but we also were able to donate SEVERAL HUNDRED DOLLARS to the American Stroke Association, a charity that rob supports.
here is the video: