#atimetolove “My idea of Christmas, whether old-fashioned or modern, is very simple: loving others. Come to think of it, why do we have to wait for Christmas to do that?” Bob Hope -- who gave love to our troops for 57 Xmases.
I was so honored by this review of my book #onthebrink #corporateanthro by the head of the American Anthropological Association. Ed Liebow wrote: "Dear Dr. Simon, I received a copy of your new book, On the Brink, earlier this week, and picked it up to browse through during a lunch break on Tuesday. It pulls together nicely in one place a good deal of welcome wisdom, clearly written for a general readership, and I ended up gulping it down from cover to cover over the past four days’ lunch breaks. I hope that the book enjoys great success... Best regards, Ed Liebow"