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by ger32
on 29/6/16
gdn: The 1% is winning the class war world wide--

“…In Greece you had a classic situation. A poor, small corner of the European economy, only freshly part of the unified Europe, is overwhelmed by the economic crisis of capitalism’s dissolving itself in 2008. No one in their right mind could have blamed the Greek government or Greek policy for causing that crisis.
However, in the years since 2008, the European rich countries, led by Germany, have beaten into submission the Greek people, making them pay through austerity programs, cut wages, cut government services, all of that, pay a heavy, heavy price for an economic crisis they didn’t cause, and an economic crisis that had already hurt them in the private sector. But now they’re going to be savaged by the Europeans in the followup as they tried to cope with this crisis. They got away with it, just as you said. Even when the Greek people clearly voted by a majority not to go down the road of austerity, it was forced on them by the French, the Germans, and by their complicity, the British, as well.
That emboldened the old elites that run Europe to believe that they could do pretty much what they want. Fix their broken capitalism on the backs of the mass of people, with cut government services, cut government employment, all of the austerity programs properly, so-called, without worrying about the consequences. And that has proved to be a fatal mistake.”

Source: French Labor Law, Brexit, and Greek Austerity: Class War Against European Workers an Economist Richard Wolff interview by Sharmina Peries, TRNN

(gdn: For full article--copy and search that, which follows—the word “Source” and ends including the word “Workers”)