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by TheaGood
on 11/4/17


I came across what I believed was credible info on an invasion starting in earnest (20 tanks) but could not follow up with further confirmation.

If Russia is to survive world war 3 (it will not be won) Russia has ONE option: To nuke America's aircraft carriers.
A few reader messages got through. One reader said there is no way Russia will nuke an aircraft carrier because "aircraft carriers have defensive systems that will shoot down any nuclear missile".

In the early 90's, in violation of restrictions, Toshiba sold Russia advanced computers that they were able to use to design truly silent propellers. After that, Russian subs went dark. Now, a long time later, Russian subs are probably even more quiet. They will suffice for the job. And since many American warships including all aircraft carriers are nuclear powered, neutrino detectors won't alert a carrier group to a submerged nuke because the reactors on the ships would interfere too much. Russia really could nuke a carrier group.

Russia will not use a missile because you cannot effectively destroy war ships with an air burst. War ships can only be be efficiently destroyed by setting a nuke off underwater, near them. To be effective, battle groups have to stay close enough to an aircraft carrier to be destroyed along with it. Russia will not be stupid about this. Russia did far more nuclear testing than America did. They know how to fight and win. If Russia does not turn every American aircraft carrier into a banana within the first hour of a real war, they will be rock stupid for not doing it. Once a war starts, for as long as there are aircraft carriers, America will keep going until so much is lost that what is left won't be worth having. And if America starts the war, no one can be blamed for taking whatever action will be necessary to stay alive.

Right now there is so much going on that it is hard to sort it out. But one thing is still easy to say: It is awful damning that Syria, Iran, and North Korea are slated for destruction, and the thing they have in common is no Rothschild owned central bank. That says it all, the motive for everything can be known with that one simple fact.

Another thing: Russia is none too pleased with Trump's cruise missile attack. Russia has stated in no uncertain terms that the gas attack was fake/staged/scammed And that America knew that when Trump launched the cruise missile attack. There are 900 opinions circulating about why it failed. No one has the answer, and I can only guess also. My guess is that Russia used GPS jamming and no attempted shoot downs. That is the only thing that can explain why so many either over flew the base or landed short. America's cruise missiles don't guess, they run on a confirmed working system that is accurate 100 percent of the time provided no one jams it. I think that is what happened.

If Russia had shot them down, some speculate that could have led to an incident with the U.S. because it can be proven. But if Russia instead jammed them, well, Russia and Syria have the right to transmit whatever they want. Who could get mad at them for merely confusing the missiles by switching a transmitter on?