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by TheaGood
on 7/4/17
They caught the people who started the Atlanta fire
There is speculation that they were affiliated with Black Lives Matter. However, until further details come in, I am going to say it was 3 homeless people because it matches such an early arrest. Here's why:

There was a security camera at the scene that recorded well into the fire. Obviously this is how the police knew who it was, by looks. And the police would most likely only know who it was so quickly if they were homeless and out in the public a lot, and would only be able to catch them so quickly because they pretty much know where they will be and when. Homeless people follow patterns like everyone else. The only other explanation for the quick arrests is if the camera had facial recognition and the people who did it were in the database.

Some media outlets are saying the pipes that were lit on fire were PVC. They were not. They were HDPE, not even close to PVC chemically. This is important, because PVC does not burn nearly as well as HDPE, and HDPE basically has no limits once it starts burning.

Already there is media hoaxing saying this proves the official story of 911. Clearly it does not, because the highway was about 98 percent concrete and 2 percent steel, and it was completely open to the fire. The World Trade Center was all steel, and all of the support columns were insulated against fire. Not even close to comparable. But the scamming media will do what it will do, even when you can look at the pictures of the bridge concrete after the fire and see that the support columns for the bridge turned to lime and were no longer concrete anymore. That won't happen to steel. But you can definitely expect the fake news media to overlook that.

Anyway, this is breaking news now,and you can see an MSM version of this story HERE