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by livertarian_
on 25/5/17

NHS Hacking.

The randsomeware that has seen the shutdown of over 200,000 computers across 150 countries internationally, affecting many NHS hospitals accross the country. The international cyber attack started on Friday in London has affected business and public services around the world, as people have logged onto computers to find their files encrypted by the 'WannaCry' randsomeware.
Allegedly, the WannaCry malware is charging people a minimum of £250 to regain access to their files. FedEx, Russian Interior Ministry, NHS and countless other organizations have been hit by the virus. A total of 47 NHS institutions have been left with their pants down after this attack, cancellations and delays are currently very likely, as their databases and patient files may be encrypted.
Two things I want to talk about quickly; origin of the malware and the political responce to the attack. Wiki Leaks have confirmed that the malware was originally an NSA tool called Wana Crypt0r 2.0, which was leaked to the public, hense the widespread use. Bitcoin© has come under fire again since the hacks, as many of the hackers have demanded payment in strictly bitcoin (Apprx £330/Bitc.). Rather than questioning the NSA for developing such a malicious tool with taxpayer funds, international bodies have been quick to point the finger at Bitcoin for enabling the anonymous transactions to take place (but we're used to this now, huh). Secondly, in the UK, Labour have been very quick to point the finger over the NHS attack, saying that the Tory cuts have left the NHS "wide open" for a cyber attack. However, NHS Digital has revealed that they had a security patch that was sent out to NHS IT staff on the 27th of April, and if the respective NHS groups had of installed the suggested security software, it would have prevented the malware attack.
To summarize; fingers should be pointed at the NSA for the creation and distribution of this malware, leave bitcoin alone and the specific hospitals that were attacked should have installed the security software when they were told.