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by bw71961
on 14/4/17
~ Regardless of North Korea’s nuclear capabilities, they have enough heavy artillery within range of Seoul, South Korea to raze the city to the ground and kill thousands. North Korea would only need to land one or two low yield nuclear warheads on Seoul to kill hundreds of thousands of innocent men, women and children. While North Korea would most certainly lose any military confrontation with the United States, they could inflict heavy damage to South Korea and Japan and kill millions.

There is one problem with all of this however. China is not going to sit back and allow a preemptive strike against North Korea by the United States. If Trump thinks for a minute he can bully China, he is in for one hell of a shock. Neither will Russia allow it for that matter. If you don’t think China and/or Russia can stop us, think again. Yes, we have the most advanced and power military in the world, no doubt. With China and/or Russia, it would not be a conventional conflict. It would go nuclear almost immediately. If you think our Missile Defense System will protect us, think again. It was never designed to defend against a massive nuclear strike.

Russia alone has enough nuclear firepower to turn the United States into an uninhabitable radioactive wasteland and China is no slouch either. China has the Dong Feng-5 ICBM, it carries 3 to 5 warheads of 5 megatons each. You drop one of those warheads on a city like Los Angeles and 2 million people reach 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit in less than a second. Another 4 million would be severely burned and dying or dead. Peak overpressures of 20psi would spread out over 28 square miles. Overpressures of 20psi are instantly fatal to humans and will severely damage if not destroy reinforced concrete buildings. Overpressures of 5psi would spread out over 170 square miles. Overpressures of 5psi will destroy most residential structures and the fatality rate is almost 90%. I haven’t even talked about the heat blast, or the air blast, or the radiation. Keep in mind, this is just one warhead, just one.

This is not a game folks, this is as real as it gets. Iraq and Afghanistan were nothing. If we launch a preemptive strike against North Korea and China responds, which they most certainly will. You can also bet Putin would respond to back up China. We will be looking at a global nuclear exchange. The exchange would kill, by most estimates, 2/3rds of the worlds human population. The after math of the exchange would destroy the base of the photosynthetic food chain, sending a wave of extinction across the Tree of Life. It is likely, by most estimate, humanity would end at the current generation.

So, if you think Trump has a good idea, I invite you to look at the big picture and reconsider. He would lead the world, too that which it has tried to avoid for over 60 years, into a "Nuclear Armageddon". Why else do you think President's Clinton, Pres. Bush, and Pres. Obama have avoided a military confrontation with North Korea? They understood the consequences, it is clear Trump either doesn't understand, or simply doesn't care or Trump is a "LUNATIC". ~