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by OctoberGreen2
on 30/1/17

Where is my refund?

@british_airways: I have had enough of hurling myself against the stunning indifference and disorganization that has been shown by your back office staff, to try and get a refund. I have spent a total of nearly 5 hours on the phone trying to sort this out, I have sent two scans of receipts, I have opened two cases, I have been verbally promised I would be refunded by three different members of your staff, and then I also received a letter addressing me as "Mr" and informing me to "would like to inform you that the please contact directly to issuing agent for your refund request" [sic] after the second promise for a refund was made...

A brief glimmer of hope appeared last week when someone who sounded competent in your customer relations team promised to phone me back on Thursday. However, I am still waiting.

Please assist me. Because my next move will be to take legal action against BA for my refund.
964 chars, < 1 min read