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by leftwingsdoom
on 6/1/15
You are a fool. There is no such thing as fake honey. There is now though, with the organic crap mulch movement. Now THAT is fake, honey NEVER had microbial benefits you imbecile. You can have a big argument all you want, you are were and remain wrong. About this, about so much. Don't you dare tell me I have never had real honey. The expensive shit you buy like a fool is only marketed as real to appeal to your perfectionist senses and nerves. A whole lot of people have that idiotic drive to realness because of the organic movement, and you are a fool if they have convinced you you never had real this or real that. Like any meat starved hellth nut brain you are a gibbering monkey fucked up imbecile. As are all who believe oh wow suddenly we are eating REAL stuff and now of course we should pay gold for it. Idiot imbecile cattle, driven mad and afraid by the hellth fanatics. What they pipe is grade A organic bullshit. Do not believe them. Buy whatever you want. Refuse to be influenced by health fanaticism.

And do not apologize to that heifer when she has threatened your life over a jar. There is no excuse good enough, even if half her extended family was at death's door. NO EXCUSES. How DARE you apologize to that spoiled bitch?