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by leftwingsdoom
on 5/12/14
Who do you think you are?

No need to answer, illiterate tool.

You do not think at all!!!

You do not take things out of her cart!!!

You do NOT judge what she does not need!!!

And you would be a poor judge indeed for you fail to consider she is buying for others.

Pathetic obsession blinded creepy stalker TOOL.

I KNEW there was something wrong about you.

The constant rate of visit, the excessant calling.

I am justified. YOU ARE A PEST !!!!!

We are tea fiends. You do not make choices about what comes into this house!!!

What universe do you think you are in, brain of a gnat?

No need to answer.

You do not think.

As is evidenced by calling cats terrorists.

There is no such thing.

You are just too STOOPID to believe.

but that is by your own design, imbecile.

How did you take care of your crippled wife with such ineptness and mindlessness?

Or was that a story you concocted to gain sympathy?

I would not doubt it, you are so feeble and desperate.

You will never shop with her again.

We are not stupid enough to take things OUT of a cart.

True imbecile parasite like no other.