While I appreciate DT's statement on anti-semitism today, this might be a good time to re-share my article about the HATEFUL antisemitic tweets i received in June. I was not alone.
Other rabbis & Jewish journalists also received constant email threats & pictures of our faces in ovens.
At the time, I checked each tweet and every single one was from a Trump supporter.
That's just a fact.
I have rabbi friends who had to call the FBI to get protection. We all know about the horrific anti-semitism in Whitefish Montana.
This stuff has been going on during DT's ENTIRE candidacy.
Forgive me if I feel that his statement today was too little too late (I agree with the Anne Frank center in NY.) As a person who believes in forgiveness, I would accept his apology for how he participated and stayed silent while his supporters terrorized my colleagues and now Jewish children & cemeteries. (He didn't apologize though, right?)
Here's the article I wrote back then, with some of the messages I received. Thought it might be relevant. It was originally published in the Jewish Journal - this version on Medium has some more details. https://medium.com/@rabbijillz/i-got-hate-mail-on-twitter-dc1f06a2d26c#.odw2ls6w5