RUSH: Polls are showing also the African-American vote for Donald Trump is double what Romney got, and Hillary's actually not performing with the African-American vote nearly as well. She's not getting the Obama turnout. That's why Jay Z and Beyoncé are showing up half naked, singing all these raunchy songs, trying to get out the African-American vote in Cleveland and Philadelphia. They've got Springsteen going to Philadelphia. What's Springsteen going to sing about?
Bruce Springsteen, he's going to Philadelphia. What's he going to say? "Hey, dudes, Hillary will keep your parents' Obamacare insurance payments high. She'll keep you in the parents' basement or sharing an apartment with four other roommates. She'll protect the universities ripping you off. She'll break laws and hold you accountable." What's he going to sing about?
So this is what Hillary is having to do, is bring out the celeb star power. She ought to ask Comey to show up on stage with her. By the way,