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by siriuslestrange
on 24/1/17
Watching a rerun of #MyBigFatFabulousLife with some "comedienne" that is hating on @WhitneyWay purely because she's a big girl. Well, bitch.... I got something to say...The assumption that all fat people are addicted to food is not only erroneous, but dangerous. You don't know what each and every fat person is going through and you don't know how your words might affect them. You say that your hate is your way of "motivating" fat people to "do better", but what about the other side of it? For people such as Whitney who have gone through the wringer and come out the other side stronger, you're a minor annoyance. To those who are still in the thick of it, your words could be the thing that push them over the edge of no return. And even if we were to say that every overweight person does indeed have an addiction to food, who are you to tell a person to just "get over" it? Maybe you did indeed beat your alcoholism and you draw on that experience when you speak about food addiction, but there's a very large difference here: you can simply stay away from alcohol, eliminate it from your life. You can not say the same thing for someone with a food addiction. Are you going to bring a recovering alcoholic into a bar and tell them that they can drink, but only a little? No, because that would be cruel, shoving temptation into the face of someone who is already struggling. With those who do suffer from food addiction, they don't have the option to just cut food out of their lives completely. Saying that we "coddle" fat people because of the movement against body shaming is like saying that we coddle terrorists because of the movement against anti-immigration rhetoric. The two are not mutually exclusive and to say they are is just being blatantly ignorant. I want to thank Whitney for continuing to stand up for the "underdog" as it were. As far as the "comedienne", I don't care enough about who you are to look you up and tag you, and I have a feeling that even if this message was directed to you, you'd just have something snide and hateful to say instead of seeing the other side of the coin. And before anyone jumps in and sayings that I'm just another "angry fat chick", I've lost 190lbs in the last two years. What have you done to better yourself? #BigGirls #FatPride #IgnoranceIsNeverBliss
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