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by TheaGood
on 12/11/16
Trump supporters are far more educated than Hillary supporters


If you comb the ranks of Trump supporters, and then comb the ranks of Hillary supporters (who are not government employees) you will find that the real Hillary supporters are actually the lowest of low lifes who expect everything to be handed to them on a silver platter.

GROUP 1: The Hillary ranks. Who is in the Hillary ranks?

1. People who took government jobs of all types, especially administrative positions that produce nothing and do nothing but trouble the public.

2. People who are on welfare and expect a handout.

3. People who work in the media and entertainment, and could only be there by sucking up to GEORGE SOROS & HIS BANKSTER GANG and complying with their every whim.

4. People who are at the absolute top of the pyramid, who's only goal is to enslave and parasite feed on Trump supporters.

And that really does sum up Hillary's support, which can account for no more than 25 - 30 percent of the total population. This is the dead weight produce nothing consume all segment of society - the "snowflakes".

GROUP 2: Trump supporters
Who is on Trump's side?

1. Small, medium, and large business owners, with "large" meaning they have 1,000 employees or less. There are more that own larger businesses, but they don't make up a huge segment.

2. ALL COLLEGE EDUCATED PEOPLE WHO SOUGHT OUT REAL JOBS IN THE PRIVATE SECTOR, and design, invent, and manage what group 1 expects to consume while smoking a rainbow.

3. The working class, that actually makes things group 1 buys, calls themselves great with, and then turns around and calls the working class "deplorables" all the while without the working class they'd be walking through the woods naked, digging for berries and grubs and worrying about a worm that just dug into their exposed foot. The working class produces every last thing they need to live a posh life where that will never happen.

4. Farmers and rural types, including mechanics, harvesters and anything else food related, which group 1 looks down on most of all, and would starve without. What a bag of morons group 1 really is.

The bottom line is that Trump represents the soul of America that is getting sucked by parasites in the Hillary club. And the soul of America just received a strong dose of de-wormer and antibiotics. Group 1 is screaming as a result.

Group 1 is screaming because it only consumes, and produces NOTHING and the consumption stream just got a shut off valve.

FACT: IF TRUMP MAKES AMERICA GREAT AGAIN, GROUP 1 LACKS TALENT TO SUCH AN EXTENT THAT IT WILL BECOME SUBSERVIENT TO GROUP 2, AND BE RELEGATED TO FLIPPING HAMBURGERS AND MOPPING FLOORS BECAUSE "MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN" MEANS THE END OF HIGH PAYING JOBS THAT PRODUCE NOTHING OF SUBSTANCE. There will be a few that manage to keep on blood sucking via banks or other leveraged means, but the vast majority of group 1 is headed straight into the gutter, unless they all wisen up and actually start working jobs that will actually push America forward while realizing they are not too good for it after all.