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by TheaGood
on 22/2/17
Trump products
After all the bashing Trump took with his products, I decided to look into it, to see where they can still be purchased. Google made good and sure that could not be done, and pointed only to where these products have been discontinued.

As it turns out, Trump products appear to have been AWESOME. Trump did not set up his own manufacturing, he instead submitted the designs Ivanka and himself came up with to high end furniture manufacturers in America and elsewhere (usually the countries they would be sold in) and had them make the furniture to design specs. Here are a few examples of what the Trump brand looked like. There is only one dining set here I would probably skip if I could afford it, (the one with the star shaped mirror) but the other 4 sets are, as far as I see it, a home run. Nice stuff.

Obviously there would not be a reason to discontinue these products that went outside of politics. Over 230 stores that had galleries like these closed them in foreign countries simply because they did not like Trump's politics, there is no indication whatsoever that there were any financial or quality issues with these products.
Trump has paid a steep price for wanting to "Make America Great Again." Hopefully these products are still for sale somewhere because they were not crap at all.