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by TheaGood
on 9/11/16
The end of the paper economy
Be ready for collapse
The elite have held as a lynch pin a fake paper economy that they could burn any time they wanted to. Now that Trump is in, they absolutely will. But there is going to be a problem for them that goes along with burning it -

If they destroy the dollar, there is still enough left of America for America to rebound on a fully destroyed dollar. And if they make the dollar have as little value as the Yen, what will happen is the Americans will start producing AMERICAN QUALITY for pennies on the dollar, and then flood the world with ultra cheap products that still have AMERICAN QUALITY. That would be just awful for tptb. No doubt they will try to stop that from happening, but don't bet on their efforts to stop it succeeding with Trump at the helm. He's the baddest economic chess opponent they could EVER have to play against.

The elite will make sure America's path to recovery is as painful as possible. To make it go easier, buy a LOT of food now, and I mean food for YEARS if you can, because even if America will be able to produce durable goods cheaply after they rip the economy out, the price of food will not drop as much, it stays more constant and it would therefore be VERY useful to purchase ahead. Ditto for gasoline, if you have any 55 gallon barrels sitting around that you can seal off fairly well, break the law and fill them. It will be legal soon under Trump anyway. Five gallon water jugs work great for this too (just don't turn them in after you do that, they will be for gasoline only, forever.) There won't be any huge starvations and gas will always be available, the question is, how much do you want to pay for it?