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by BlackSilentMaj
on 10/11/16
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The Trump Election:

The aftermath and what
Democrats did wrong. © 2016

Donald Trump has shocked the world in a way not even he could have imagined. He’s been elected the 45th president of the United States.

Another shock is that this man, who waged such a divisive campaign and who talked so badly about women, could be elected president. But this is a democracy, votes do matter, and people get the government they deserve.

The White Poor
Despite the media’s newfound attention to “poor Whites,” this election was not about white poverty. It was about racial, religious and sexual bigotry, and poor Whites are notorious for voting against their own interest because they were blinded by prejudice.

For example, Pres. Obama had proposed several measures to help the poor and not-so-poor of all races, but Republicans shot down those proposals and there was not a sound from the so-called neglected white poor, because they couldn’t get past Pres. Obama’s race.

So, what did the Democrats do wrong?

• For starters, the Democrats, in an effort to court the Hispanic vote, appeared to go too far in embracing illegal immigrants. Illegal immigrants often received free medical, schooling and social services, something many Americans, themselves, didn’t receive. For their parts, illegal immigrants had learned to game the system, and Americans with common sense recognized it. This is the issue that gave Trump’s campaign its fuel.

• On paper, Hillary Clinton was certainly the better, more qualified candidate and would have made a better president. However, Clinton allowed the Republicans and Trump to define her. The campaign could have done advertisements that attacked misinformation about her. Trump had a long list of lies and abominations

• The Democratic machine focused perhaps too much on Trump’s shortcomings and not enough on Clinton’s strengths. Democrats needed to tout their support for the auto industry, which it saved. It should have and could have promoted more apprenticeships. It could have worked with community colleges to help with apprenticeships and touted that.

Bad things and good things happen for a reason. It’s been said that the bad things strengthen us. That’s not always true, but Trump’s election could contribute to black unity. It could pave the way for a Michelle Obama run for the presidency in four years, and she could be the first woman elected president of the United States.

Following Trump’s election, protests have broken out in several states. However, the ultimate protest is to vote, but too many Hillary supporters failed to show in numbers to give her the victory.We are a strong people, and we’ll deal with this setback.

As this election proved, the vote is no joke. It’s more powerful than any protest, any tweet, or any post. Those who oppose what Trump represents must organize; not just mobilize. Black, brown, female, yellow, and progressive votes matter.

Thought for Food:

Some interesting numbers... In an old West Wing episode an enthusiastic crowd of supporters is urged to vote with the observation: "Decisions are made by those who show up."
2016 Presidential Election:
Clinton: 59 million votes
Trump: 59 million votes
Total: 118 million votes
U.S. voting age population: 243 million
% of total that voted: 48%
% of total that voted for Donald Trump: 24%
% of Citizens Who Vote Around the World
1. Belgium: 88%
2. Sweden: 82%
27th. U.S.A 48%
Bottom line: 24% of Americans made all of the decisions for the entire country. Decisions are made by those who show up.