RUSH: Let me just give you some highlights of what's coming up on the program today. These young snowflakes on college campuses all across the country and the Millennials who are convinced we have to go to Mars to save our civilization, and we've gotta do this in 30 years or else we're all cooked -- literally cooked -- because of climate change. The biggest shale oil discovery in the world has been found in Texas. (chuckling) I was looking at Dr. Spencer, Dr. Roy Spencer, our official climatologist at the EIB Network. I was looking at his website today, and he discusses...
He and I have a friendly back-and-forth on this climate change hoax. He doesn't believe it's a scientific hoax. He thinks it's a policy hoax, a political hoax. He thinks that there is warming 'cause it happens all the time. My point is manmade climate change is a hoax. It is a political hoax designed to grow government, raise taxes, limit freedom. I've been through all that. Anyway, they are convinced, the climate change fearmongers are convinced that had if we continue with fossil fuels, we're gonna cook.
So the discovery of oil sends 'em into a panic. The more oil, the more we will continue to use fossil fuels. Folks, there's nothing out there that can replace fossil fuels, and there won't be for decades. It isn't wind. It isn't solar. Just stop and think of the obvious. Think of a cargo airplane. Think all of cargo airplane that's manufacturing... What do Millennials love? Uhh... (interruption) Well, no, not the iPhone. Well, I can use it. Okay. You Millennials who love your iPhones.
You know how they get here from China? They're put on giant cargo airplanes -- 747s, DC-10s, MD-11s -- that are flown here from China or they're put on giant, giant cargo ships, and you can't power... You're never gonna get an airplane off the ground with wind and you're never gonna get an airplane off the ground with solar panels. There is nothing. You're never gonna power a great cargo ship with wind or solar. Just isn't gonna happen.
We're nowhere near it, and the more fossil fuels we discover is better for everybody. It's better for the economy; it's better for prices; it's better for commerce because oil is the fuel of the engine of democracy. Oh, and do they hate that! Oh, that just sends them into a rabid, uncontrolled rage when you tell them that. So, "vast shale oil field in Texas could yield 20 billion barrels," which is great news, but on college campuses and in the far reaches of the left, this will be greeted as an absolutely devastating piece of news.