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by elventails
on 23/6/10
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Summary of earthquake that hit the Northeastern seaboard.

Epicenter: Buckingham Quebec
Magnitude: 5.5
When: Wednesday, June 23, 2010 at 17:41:42 UTC

Top Jokes so far:
@mark_story Earthquake caused by Quebec attempting escape from rest of Canada

@domcoballe Most fun place to experience quake? T&T Asian grocer. Everyone ran out screaming, I pretended Godzilla was after us.

@AndrewFstewart The earthquake triggered a tsunami in the #G20 fake lake.

@similar2me "What's that!! An earthquake?" "YES!! RUN!!!" "OMG, WAIT" *runs to the computer and writes on twitter* EARTHQUAAAAAAKE!!!

@jperras The propagation speed of the earthquake seems to be less than the tweets concerning it.