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by thatolderwoman
on 18/6/20

Strange Road Kill

Strange Road Kill

Laying by the side of the road, larger than life is a unique two legged road kill.

Beaten beyond belief.
Shot in the back to avoid being prey
It’s just another road kill we will hear about today.

It’s dark. It’s now ugly and assumed to be sub human. Not even good enough like his four legged friend to be taken home and stuffed.

He and she are road kill. Justified and white supremacy justice served on a bed of concrete or tar. Enjoyed with a side of 30 day paid suspension.

We’ve removed the strange fruit from the popular trees and have taken it to the dirt of the streets.

Hanging doesn’t allow the rage to be released like the beating of a baton, a knee in the neck or a bullet in the back.

Hanging doesn’t allow the killers of the road kill to see the fear or hear the cries of “I can’t breathe ,” to be assured that life is being extinguished.

We will talk about it for a while. We will look at the road kill and ask ourselves should we pick it up. Should we feel sorry for the death or use it to further selfish agendas with no real goal in mind other than to make more money via positions of community service, living in homes far away from the two legged road kill.

Who’s only saving grace is that he isn’t a strange fruit that will hang and rot for all to see.

Road kill will be buried and forgotten.

Laying by the side of the road, larger than life is a unique two legged road kill.
