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by TheaGood
on 7/11/16
Stock Market Way Up Because Hillary's Not Going to Jail

RUSH: The stock market is way up today. You know what they're saying is the reason why? Do you believe that the stock market is up today? What's it up? Let's see, what's the number here? It's up 100. That's the NASDAQ. That's way up even for NASDAQ. They're saying the market's up today because Comey announced that Hillary Clinton is not guilty, that she's been exonerated. Now, excuse me, do they think we're that stupid? They must! Okay.

So since Hillary was cleared -- since they reviewed 650,000 e-mails in a matter of a week, eight days -- then I guess we're now free and clear to invest even more in the stock market. "Well, that's right, Mr. Limbaugh, because it means that Hillary is probably going to win and the establishment must prefer her there than Mr. Trump." That's the voice of the New Castrati. I'm sorry. You know, I invest in the stock market, and it didn't even occur to me, folks.