Take a look at this picture of Barry Diller (a media mega giant) who says he's leaving the country now that Trump blasted through the vote rigging. It shows his true soul. The peak evil filth can always put on a nice public face, but if you catch them off guard, whoah! He looks like a drop in for Freddie Kruger, all that is missing is whatever tools he might use to hack someone up. This is definitely one of the "spirit cooking" crowd, showing face for real. Hillary has similar faces when caught off guard.
Thank god he got his *ss handed to him, we don't need him and can only hope Trump is going to bust up his empire. There needs to be more than just this crap to choose from in the MSM information stream, and Freddie's ownership of so much of the media was a clear violation of Federal law that went unchecked for decades and brought us the horse s*** MSM that almost destroyed us.
Muslims and Mexicans shocked with fear
For no reason, other than the fact that the likes of Barry Diller lied so much that Muslims and Mexicans do not even know who Trump is. Last night, on the Mexican media, they were reacting in terror, and then Trump gave his speech, which they aired in full. And when they actually heard uncensored Trump, they were blown away by how sensible, passionate, and great he was, and repeated over and over that they could not believe how great he was during the speech.
Muslims ought to be rejoicing, because Trump marks the end of midnight explosions, white phosporous sauna sessions and annihilation of societies they took centuries to build. They can thank Barry "Kruger" for their misperceptions, in reality they have a whole new world to look forward to. I'd like to ask Muslims to take a look at the picture of the man who lied about them over and over and over again, how that face looks now that Trump won. It can only be good.