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by TheaGood
on 13/11/16
Soros paid opposition,
A heads up: Last night there really was a Craigslist ad (if you heard rumors about this) asking for protesters to fake being Trump supporters by wearing read, and "acting against the protesters". But this is already busted because the Craigslist ad got caught. The best thing to do with the protests is to stay home or drive around them. Soros is not going to have people he paid for do a lot of property damage because everyone knows it is him, and he is responsible for anything that happens if he pays for it.

Anyway, the Craigslist ad was offering protesters $35 an hour, paid at the end of the day. I SUGGEST HAVING UNEMPLOYED TRUMP SUPPORTERS, GO TO ANY PLACE ANYTHING LIKE THIS IS PAYING PEOPLE TO PROTEST, SIGN ON, BE A "DO NOTHING WORKER" and cash in. Just take his freaking money. Be all mellow and stuff. Knock the legs out of his protests by being part of them and doing a lousy job, all the while you tell everyone else to "not get violent" and get paid real well in the process. That would squelch the fire real good. And DO NOT WEAR RED.