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by PathlessPilgrim
on 23/7/16
So #TheresaMay has declared war on the #environment by abolishing the Department for Energy and Climate Change in one of her first acts as British Prime Minister...

Does that make you angry?
Does it make you despair?
Or does it secretly, deep down, make you feel better about yourself by passing the buck and laying the responsibility of fucking up the planet on someone else's shoulders?

Because make no mistake - one person cannot impact the environment significantly on their own. Sure, she may be removing some of the hurdles which allow rampant environmental degradation, but it will be the Masses who actually do the damage.

It will be the millions of ordinary people driving their cars on non-essential journeys; the millions supporting the widely acknowledged unsustainable practice of animal agriculture by chomping on flesh and dairy products... In short ordinary people, probably like yourself and most of the folks you know who like to complain and wring their hands but don't want the inconvenience of having to radically transform their lifestyle in order to reverse the shitstorm we've created.

We all have to die sooner or later, but the legacy we leave behind us, as well as the present reality we create for everyone else, is determined essentially by how selfish we are.