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on 12/8/16
Simone Manuel means well but we do not live in a non-race conscience world. What you did was pioneering. It's widely held in sports world that Blacks can not swim, ice skate, run the distance unless East African born, or race Formula 1 cars.

Most Americans young and old are not aware that were you born less than 40 years ago you would be banned from most swimming pools in the USA, and would be limited to only a few in most major cities. Any Black that had golden dreams of being an Olympic champion from Dallas, Texas in 1970 did not get much support no matter the the talent or hope.

When one is the 1st of a certain demographic it's simply a factual and historical event like UK PM Maggie Thatcher, Tiger Woods, Serena Williams, Queen Elizabeth I/II, and Toni Morrison.

No matter who comes after you and long after the news cameras have left the room, you will still be the first champion.