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by leftwingsdoom
on 14/5/15

You are not sand.
You are nothing but a piece of shit.
What feeble worth is seen in you is far eclipsed by your insufferable attitude.
No one asked you do that, so no one cares if you stop, fool.
You are shit.
You hate what we love, and thus on that principle alone, your presence should not be tolerated.
It is not my say though. The say that is is of desperate naive foolishness and vastly misplaced trust.
I can't fix that, but I know what you are.
Shit. Useless stinking waste.
You don't need a tongue to be used.
You have no right to speak, shit.
You hang by a thread of good will and maganaimity.
Anything else is delusion from the reality
Of your shittiness.
Fuck you royal.