By Jim Traficant
Yogi Berra once said:“Here we go,it’s déjà vu,all over again.” And so it is.
Politicians on both sides of the aisle are now saying entitlements are on the table. This is political buzz for
Social Security cuts.
I don’t know about you,but I’m sick and tired of politicians calling Social Security an "entitlement."
That was MY money, I paid into it with every
A real entitlement should be paid for by the
government, NOT paid for by the beneficiaries.
I’m not sure if my definition jibes with Webster’s, but I don’t care.
The trouble with Social Security is that 95 percent of
the people waiting for assistance in Social Security offices never paid a dime into the system. If you don’t
believe my statement, visit your local Social Security
office and see for yourself. You’ll soon see that Congress
has taken care of everybody at the expense of workers
who actually invested their hard-earned money into the
Social Security program.
Trust me,I’m not talking about
those kids who grew up getting Social Security because one or both of their parents died,or workers who were seriously disabled on the job and could no longer get a decent job. Those are just the kinds of people who are
entitled to a little help.
I am talking about healthy people who have never
paid a dime into the system.The money for them comes
directly from—you guessed it—the fund someone
poured their earnings into over the years.
Yes, Social Security is an entitlement for them. But
don’t call it an "entitlement" for the older folks in America
who built that trust fund.
In general, these days, Social Security is a scam.
According to the Ludwig von Mises institute:“Social Secu-rity is a ‘pay-as-you-go’system. This means that when
you work,the government takes your money and gives it
to Social Security recipients [whose money Congress has
already spent.—JT]. In order to get workers to accept this
system, the government promises to take other people’s
money and give it to you when you retire.Think of it as
an exponentially larger version of Bernie Madoff’sPonzi
I think old Ludwig has it right.
And now for my prediction: America will get a
second stimulus.
That’s Obama’s solution toeverything.
There is no doubt about it. Our government, frankly,
doesn’t know what to do about our inexorable demise.
So,they throw more money at the problem.Our govern-
ment throws money around like fruit flies on molasses.
They don’t even know where it’s going or how much is
being stolen, literally.
But the problem isn’t debt.The problem is our system.
Our present financial system cannot bring America back.
It is too late. It needs to be replaced. It’s stimulus time,
folks, you can bet on it.
JamesA(Jim)Traficant,Jr.was born in Youngstown,Ohio onMay8,1941.He received BS and MS degrees from the University of Pittsburgh.He also received an MS from YoungstownStateUniversityin1976.
From1981-1985 he served as sheriff of Mahoning County, prior to his election to the U.S. Congress in 1984. He was re-elected by overwhelming margins every year up until 2002 when, following his conviction on trumped-up corruption charges, he was expelled from the House of Representatives.
On September 27, 2014
Traficant died on September 27, 2014,AFTER an" accident" that occurred when his tractor flipped over as he was driving it into his barn.
A subsequent medical investigation determined that Traficant had not had a heart attack or seizure before the"accident", and was not under the influence of drugs or alcohol. In addition, he had not sustained any crushing injuries in the accident...