RSV, KJV, NewKJV, DRADouayRheims…? RTUberFacts: The number of words in the Bible divided by the number of verses equals exactly 666.
RTUberFacts: Studies show that people who are mixed with a wide range of ethnicities tend to be smarter.
Aren’t we all from a single pair of parents. RTUberFacts: 42 of the 43 U.S. Presidents are distantly related.
RTUberFacts: There was a real team of Jewish assassins called “The Avengers” who tracked down and executed Nazi war criminals after WWII.
:) RTUberFacts: The Netherlands are closing eight prisons across their country because of lack of crime.
Dangers continue after they leave. Risk being murdered by same CIA. RTUberFacts: The CIA created a project called “Project MK-ULTRA” in which they experimented with LSD to wipe the memories of retiring CIA agents.
RTUberFacts: A teaspoon of sugar after eating something really spicy will completely neutralize the heat sensation.
I’ve had to deal with a few of those in the past. RTUberFacts: “Schlimmbesserung” is a German word to describe an effort to make things better that actually ends up making things worse.