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by TheaGood
on 18/1/17

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Jan 17, 2017

Does It Bother You That Trump Says NATO Is Obsolete?

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RUSH: Hey, Mr. Snerdley, does it bother you that Trump said that NATO is obsolete? (interruption) It doesn’t bother me, either. I mean, this is what… Trump said that during the campaign. This is nothing unusual or out of the ordinary. Trump said things just like… Trump is amazingly consistent. I think this is one of the things that’s really bothering people. In their world, Trump is so off the wall that they told themselves, “Ah, he doesn’t really mean this stuff” that he’s saying during the campaign. “No way. He doesn’t really mean this. If he ever gets elected, he’s gonna get sensible.”

And NATO and the IMF and the World Bank and all of these left-wing… Do not doubt me. All of these organizations have an taken care of by the left. NATO originally might have had a great purpose militarily, national security, but all of these outfits have been taken over by European leftists. NATO, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, is just us. You know, we fund it. We are the defense budget and the military for many European nations, and Trump is thinking, “Why does this still exist?”

This is an example of these outdated things that nobody gets rid of because it’s just the way they are. But if you do a genuine analysis usefulness of these things, it’s not useful any more. It doesn’t serve any real purpose anymore. Plus, we’re getting screwed in the process, which is something that Trump said about NATO throughout the campaign. The fact that he’s being consistent and the fact that they’re slowly coming to realize, “This guy meant what he said.,” means their world has been rocked.

The entire establishment — the world elite establishment — their world has been under upside-down about this election and by Brexit, if I might add, and they’re just beside themselves on how to act and they’re just scared to death that they don’t have the votes in this country to stop Trump. This is fascinating to watch. Just from the flat-out objective observer perch, it is just fascinating to watch this.

All of this is a gigantic teachable moment, the things that people have the opportunity to learn about so many of these institutions that are not helpful to us, that provide launching pads and homes for the worldwide left to mount their campaigns one after another which always have to one degree or another America in the crosshairs. And what we have in Trump is just a real guy. He’s just a real guy who himself has been observing all these things and can’t believe that their usefulness has come and gone.

And yet they’re still there, and they get even more money, and he can’t believe the amount of money wasted by the United States propping up all of these things. The reason it happens is this is how we tell ourselves, “We’re superpower.” This is how we tell ourselves, “We are a world power,” that our fingerprints on all of these different worldwide organizations. Which is fine. I’m all in favor of the U.S. being a superpower. But some of these things are actually being used against us like the World Trade Organization, the International Criminal Court.

All these things have come basically from one department of the United Nations or another, and every one of these things is designed to fleece the United States either of money or power. There’s just no question about it. And you’ve heard people say, “We can’t change that.” Why? “Well, it’s always been this way.” Well, here’s somebody that’s coming along and doesn’t think that that’s relevant. Just ’cause it’s been doesn’t mean has to stay. Just because we’ve been doing it — even if it’s bad and mistake filled — doesn’t mean we have to keep doing it. But to these people we do, because it’s their livelihood.

It’s their identity. It’s their way of life, standard of living, any number of things.

Hey, if the Russians did hack… I just play a little game here. Let’s accept the premise. If the Russians did hack, say, the Democrat National Committee computers, and if the Russians did leak the stuff, how did NATO help stop it? Of what use was NATO in protecting the United States? NATO was to protect Europe from Russia, was it not? NATO was to protect Western European democracies from the giant footprint of Soviet communism, ad that’s why Gorbachev and his buddies always wanted to get in.

And it’s why the American left was always eager to let the Russians and the Soviets in. And Reagan constantly said, “No, you’re foolish. We’re not letting ’em in NATO or anything else like that.” But the left in this country was pushing for the Soviets and now the Russians to be… Well, I don’t know about Putin now. But what difference would it have made? How did NATO stop whatever it is the left thinks Putin did to screw ’em? Not one thing! If NATO’s there to stop Russia and to stop the Soviets… It may not be the best example, but at least it is one.
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