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by TheaGood
on 1/1/17
Putin: I'll wait until there is an adult in the white house before discussing policy!
RT is broadcasting in Silicon Valley. I was just watching BOOM BUST and news.

Have you heard Putin's response to obama expelling Russian Diplomats? It's too funny... he said he won't play school yard politics, he'll wait for the adult to be sworn to discuss Russia / America relationship. I'm para-phrasing but that's the gist. He also said he will not expel American diplomats and their families, instead he invited the diplomats and their families to the Kremlin for a New Years party!! Can you stand it?!? hahahahaha

I have tremendous respect for President Putin because he is a real live, full grown, hairy chested MAN who believes in national sovereignty, regardless of the country, and he's willing to help defend their right to exist. Complete opposite of the U.S. foreign policy of the , "crying on national TV," sissy bitch, Obama.