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by Haakimi
on 22/11/15
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Psychologists say hate drives the hater to recklessness of silly acts, utterances and embarrassing contradictions >
RTogundamisi: The ‪‎BIAFRAUD‬ clown (photo attached) here sent me a text message November 11 and a voice mail, then moments latter a man sent a death threat and voice message. Listen here Both maybe unrelated. She assumed her number was invisible, but they are usually reckless, I saved her number and, gazuuuum, got her photo on WhatsApp. As soon as I informed her that I have been able to place a photo to her number (the silly idiot even left her family photo, and with a lito zoom, I got details from those documents on the Piono) she removed her photo and stopped sending her stupid, silly and childish messages. Na so una go run una BIAFRAUD inteligence agency if una get una Republic? Meanwhile it is 21st of November I am still waiting for her BIAFRAUD police to knock on my door.

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