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by djrae1981
on 25/4/15


Privately - a recent captured IS `officer` released this information – the `officers` will, no doubt, keep the money for themselves whilst using the brain-washed jihadists as `cannon-fodder` and `agents-provocateurs`.

Obviously, with UK having sent money into Africa (Nigeria / Mali / Eritrea / Somalia / Congo / Ruanda / Syria / Iraq……………..) for, to my knowledge the last 60 years, this money has been filched off for terrorist purposes (palaces / strongholds, and weapons) rather than going into improving the water / sanitation / birth-control of the impoverished, subjugated poor where it was intended.

Biting the hand that feeds you comes to mind – they come here because `it is better` and then proceed to demolish Western life-style and culture in their intolerance, jealousy, and racial hatred.

As UKIP stated – `an evil faith` - having rumbled its Koran and not-so-hidden agenda.

Islamification by stealth.