Ok, sure, but not all of us in the PRK are “idiots,” but are here fighting to retain whatever freedoms we still have. Trouble is, the few million of us here are outnumbered by many millions more leftcoast lberals. I’m tired of pro-freedom people in every other state where they haven’t had to fight for their fights EVER, tarring us all with the same brush when we’re doing all the heavy lifting, and the NRA isn’t doing $);t since they given up on us. $95k against the DNC’s $1.15 million? Seriously? The DNC made that investment because they know they can leverage it in other states, and we’re here on our own, with only BS sniping and snide comments from gun owners in other states. By the way, add Illinois, New York and Massachusetts to the same list of states populated by “idiots.” Gun owners in these states could use some help.