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by BWRNfilms
on 15/10/17

Official Statement from Ruth Rachel Anderson-Avraham

Official Statement from Ruth Rachel Anderson-Avraham,
A Woman in Film,
Creator and Owner of Bold World / Reel Nation,
Founder of ISRAELrealNATION

"Harvey Weinstein has proven himself to be an extremely talented filmmaker, a brilliant businessman, and yet hostile, oppressive and abusive in his relationships with women in the workplace (and perhaps outside of the workplace, as well, sadly...?).

Bravo to the women who have had the courage to stand and defend themselves against his unwanted advances/aggressions over the years (which all parties concerned have the right to be tried before a Court, or settled between them).

That being said, I take offense to those who seek to connect Weinstein's behaviour to his Jewishness, or to his 'looks', and find such comments to be discriminatory and/or anti-semitic. Such behaviour among men is about desire for power and control, and is not more prevalent within any culture, tradition, religion, (social construct of) 'race' or ethnicity, education or income level than any other. Harvey Weinstein is certainly NOT the only man in Hollywood, or within the film-industry-at-large, who exhibits such far.

May the women whom Harvey Weinstein has harmed by his behaviour receive justice and have full and speedy recoveries from that which they have suffered; may Harvey Weinstein get the help he needs...Im Yirtseh Hashem, Insha'allah."

Ruth Rachel Anderson-Avraham
Bold World / ReelNATION

Sunday, 18 Tishrei 5778, 8 October 2017