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by TheaGood
on 1/11/16
Obama: If Hillary Wins, They'll Call Her Moody

RUSH: Obama was on a TV show called... You Wouldn't Want to See Me Full Frontal by Samantha Bee? Isn't that the name of the show? You Wouldn't Want to See Me Full Frontal by Samantha Bee? (interruption) Oh, "Full Frontal"? Yeah, but it must be You Wouldn't Want to See Me Full Frontal by Samantha Bee? Anyway, Obama was on that show. You know what he said? If Hillary is elected, people are gonna learn and describe her as "moody." Now, why in the world...? That's not an endorsement.

He's telling this babe that hosts this show (impression), "Yeah, well, you know, uh, if -- if Hillary wins, uh, people's reaction to her is they're gonna call her 'moody.'" What is that? (interruption) They're gonna get...? (interruption) Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! He was characterizing the way she was gonna be criticized, not characterizing his view of her. Oh. Okay. I'm glad you told me that 'cause I don't watch If You Saw Me in Full Frontal You Wouldn't Want to Watch with Samantha Bee. I actually thought that he was her under the bus with that comment.

So what he's actually saying is that if she wins they're gonna describe her as constantly on her period. That's what he's saying. Meaning (impression): "Just like they were telling me I wasn't born here, they wouldn't let the birther thing go, they're gonna talk Hillary constantly whining and moaning and being moody," meaning she's on her... Okay, fine. It's still not an endorsement. I mean, of all things when you're on You Wouldn't Want to See Me Full Frontal by Samantha Bee why wouldn't you say, "Oh, yes, Hillary's going to be great! When Hillary's elected, she's gonna just continue sticking it to 'em like I have, instead of saying, 'Nah, people are gonna call her moody.'"